HD Channel Collection - iOS/iPadOS


Thanks for adding back the HD Channels group when using Channel Collections. It is working great on my Apple TV. However, on my iOS/iPadOS devices when I try to select the HD Channel Group (which does appear to be selectable), it selects the All Group.

Server Version: 2021.05.15.1752
Client Version: 5.11.2341


Is this still happening for you?

Hello. Yes, this is still an issue with iOS version 5.25.1818.


I've recently also noticed this happening on my Apple TV for the "Guide". The "On Now" HD selection on the Apple TV works correctly, but the "Guide" HD selection shows all channels (HD & SD).

This was resolved and the fix is on the latest beta. It will be fixed in the store release the next time we ship a release.

Thanks! It seems to be working great so far. I appreciate the follow-up.