HDMI for Channels

Regarding the bitrate - who is encoding at 30fps vs 60fps?

I bought this particular URay encoder because it can do 60fps - during my investigation, a lot of the encoders seemed to be limited to 30 fps. Wouldn't 60fps (vs 30fps) require a higher bitrate?

I keep nudging my bitrate up. 8000 was great for everything except baseball. Pitches and thrown balls looked a little off, although with something like that I never know if my mind is looking for things that aren’t really there. The higher I go, the better it looks to my eyes.

Playing around with scrcpy and its super useful for poking around on the android device live feed without needing to hook up a monitor. Unfortunately the version of Android on my device is super old and doesn't support audio forwarding. I have a Google Chrome 4K device out for delivery tomorrow (after a 9 day wait!).

PS: Hulu WAS playing OK without a black screen but this might be due to the ancient Android version.

Have any of you using an onn 4K streaming device with your HDMI encoder been successful setting up an Ethernet adapter with the onn device? Do I need to turn off WiFi for Ethernet to appear in the settings, or will it automatically show up when connected, like it did with the Fire stick? I'm afraid to toggle off WiFi and lose connectivity to the device.

I tried mine onn device with the Smays adapter that works with my Fire Stick, but ethernet doesn't automatically appear in the settings. I've also tried an Ethernet adapter plus OTC cable I saw recommended online, and Ethernet still doesn't appear.

Are you referring to the Walmart Onn. device? If so, yes, they pretty much work the same.

More info here: Walmart releases new Onn 4K Streaming Box with Google TV for $19.88 | AFTVnews

Word of warning for anyone looking these fuser FBE200 boxes. There seem to be different models, all sharing the "FBE200" designation. Mine came today, and it seems to be different than the one @Fofer has posted screenshots of.

Here was one of Fofer's setting pages:


And here is the comparable settings page from my unit:

Not only are the options different (I don't have the dropdown menu following "Service Info"), but if you look at the name of the device at the top, they're different. And as far as I can tell, mine maxes out at 1280x720 (although I haven't gotten it working yet - I open the stream address in VLC and get nothing, whereas my other encoder works fine).

I tried to find firmware for this, hoping it just needs a firmware update (the firmware on it is from 2017), but the link the comes with the device times out, and I've had no luck with a Google search.

Just thought I'd check in here so if anybody is looking at one of these, they can make sure to get the correct one.

Hmm, interesting, good catch.

"FBE200-H.265-HLS" vs. "FBE200-H.264-LAN."

Could it be the same device but with different firmware versions?

Yep. They are very solid streaming devices. Have several of them!

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Could be, but Google searches come up empty, I can't find where to download firmware updates for it. It does kind of feels like FMUser shut down the server, or something? Mine are working fine, perfect for this project, working flawlessly since I dove in. Regardless, I'm glad I didn't pay much for these!

Yea, that was my first thought, too, but the download link that came with the device times out (a sticker on it), and I can't find firmware anywhere.

Following the instructions from boukmandutty in his great post from above for setting up a second tuner, I used this command in Terminal on my Mac:

sudo cp bmitune.sh bmituneb.sh

to duplicate the bmitune.sh script, and did the same for the pre and stop bmi scripts (I hope I understood his post correctly), and entered my second streaming stick's IP address in each of the three scripts in the second set, did the "go build" command, and started the program..
My first tuner works fine, but when I try to use Channels on another device to load a second channel, I get the following error for the pre and stop scripts:

Failed to run stop script: fork/exec /Users/evankline/androidhdmi-for-channels-main/stopbmituneb.sh: operation not permitted

Is that a permissions thing? I tried setting permissions on all three new files, but could have done it wrong.

Playing around a bit today with with the URayCoder HEVC H.265 and the onn Google TV box. I use DirecTV as my provider, but not having much luck so far figuring out how to change channels. No sign that direct entry of channel numbers is supported, nor does Google Assistant appear to work.

Anyone figured out a path forward with the DirecTV app?

what would the command look like to the harmony?


Can you show us the output of:

ls -lah

Here's what I've got:

total 120
drwxr-xr-x@ 13 cyberskier staff 416B Jun 9 22:00 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 24 cyberskier staff 768B Jun 9 22:00 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cyberskier staff 6.0K Jun 9 21:58 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cyberskier staff 26B May 9 16:55 .gitignore
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 cyberskier staff 4.5K Jun 9 19:09 bmitune.sh
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root staff 4.5K Jun 9 19:08 bmituneb.sh
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cyberskier staff 1.2K May 9 16:55 go.mod
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cyberskier staff 7.1K May 9 16:55 go.sum
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cyberskier staff 3.4K Jun 9 18:34 main.go
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 cyberskier staff 153B Jun 9 19:10 prebmitune.sh
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root staff 153B Jun 9 19:10 prebmituneb.sh
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 cyberskier staff 224B Jun 9 19:09 stopbmitune.sh
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root staff 224B Jun 9 19:09 stopbmituneb.sh

I just ran the xattr command on one of the files, and got this:

cyberskier@Evans-MacBook-Air androidhdmi-for-channels-main % 

Doing a little digging online, I think that means the com.apple.quarantine attribute somehow got set on the file, so I need to next just figure out how to clear it.

Good sleuthing!


sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine filename

Edit: might as well run:

sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine *.*

Thanks! Yea, I ran:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine path/to/my/file.sh

That took care of the error. Now it can't find my streaming device, but I'm pretty sure because I didn't allow it in the USB debugging section of the streaming stick's settings. That will have to wait until tomorrow.

Thanks for the help!

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sulrich is right. If your androidhdmi for challes folder is in your user folder as indicated above, the problem arises from the "sudo cp". The created file would belong to root and not to you. Go to the folder and delete all the ones you have created. Redo them without the sudo,.

Responded to the wrong person. My bad.\

I see you solved it. Enjoy