HDMI for Channels

I'm not at home currently and see there's an HDMI stream continuing, I forgot to stop it before leaving. There's no easy, remote way to tune out from that channel, is there? Does't appear so.

(I mean, native to CDVR, and not requiring me to VPN into my network and send a terminal command...)

It's not a big deal for me personally, I'll address that when I get home and come up with some Home Assistant automation to stop streams in the future when that living room TV is turned off.

But I'm mentioning it here just to bring up the topic, in case anyone else shares the concern, especially if your live TV subscription has a limited number of streams allowed to share within your family.

You guys are a bad influence. This encoder arrived today, along with one of the onn 4K streaming sticks:


I have no idea if I remotely have the ability to tie it into Channels, but so far I have the thing tied into VLC on my Mac, and all is good.

Very interesting topic. What about HDR, Dolby Vision, or Dolby Atmos?

Looking back at my stockpile of older PC stuff I see a couple of Black Magic Intensity Pro cards. Going to convert a old PC into a encoder server and repurpose the cards to Channels. If anyone is interested i can share the experience. These cards can be picked up for around 40$ on ebay and do 1080P. 4K cards also exist.

Do any linear streaming TV channels even offer any of those?

No. But, I wasn't thinking of linear TV channels. It would seem to me that this process at least in part could be used to capture streaming services from these same devices.

I am not 100% where to start with this. I have a HDMI encoder setup, and working well, but no ability to use channels to change channels. I have my logitech harmony hub and remote currently sending commands to channels, and my cable box to sync up channel changes.

How do i go about implementing the above scripts? I am familiar and comfortable with docker, but thats about it. Happy to use an nvidia shield and muck around with adb, before i try and use my harmony hub and cable box.


Does anyone know of an open source project that can grab video/audio from a encoder card and make available a mpeg2 stream? I know of NGINX/RTMP but hoping to bypass needing FFMPEG to capture and stream the encoder card back to NGINX. Surely these hardware capture cards are running open source software of some type? TIA!

So these cards do H.264 encoding to an IP stream that could be used by channels?

Is there any way to use the cheap HDMI to USB video capture devices to send video into a PC and then have some software like VLC encode it as H.264? That would be a super cheap way to do this.

Also I know this is a really dumb question but how do you install the Android HDMI module into Channels on Windows, and have it start on boot like channels? I went to the GitHub for it but there's no install info and I'm new to add-ons that aren't docker containers.

So these cards do H.264 encoding to an IP stream that could be used by channels?

These cards are HDMI capture cards. It's basically a PCI-E card that captures video via HDMI. Generally you would use FFMPEG to capture the video and send it to a webserver for channels to ingest.

Sorry I am not sure about your android question re: windows.

So you are recommending using .bat files instead of .sh files on a Windows Implementation?

  1. change in main.go the pre,start,stop definitions from.sh to .bat files and re-compile
  2. write the .bat files for the above to call adb as required
    This is easier than trying to run .sh files under Windows 11 (although that method is also posssible)
    (I am writing the above for the benefit of others to see - BTW still waiting delivery of my IPTV encoder)
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Maybe https://www.amazon.com/LCC260-Encoder-HDMI2USB-Streamer-Tinysize/dp/B0BWM3QWTC ??

I am using a FireStick with ADB to record HBO and ShowTime using ADB and HDMI Capture device from XFINITY STREAM... using NEXTPVR as backend.

GoogleTV devices do not have XFINITY Stream

Yeah, exactly. I'm guessing something like OBS might work to create an IP stream? I'm not familiar with OBS but I'm guessing it outputs IP since it streams to YouTube.

That HDMI capture device looks good, most USB Devices use the CPU to transcode this one has a built-in hardware encoder.

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My guess is they’re using ffmpeg, but someone please correct me if my assumption is wrong.


I really appreciate those of you who urged us to dive into this and ask questions . . . Hopefully I don't make you regret it.

So far I have my WalMart .onn device set up in developer mode, and can send commands to it via a networked Mac. I haven't attempted any of the Channels part yet, but for baby steps I am just seeing if I can control YouTube TV via commands I send using the Mac's Terminal app.

This command works:

./adb shell am start -a "android.search.action.GLOBAL_SEARCH" --es query "play\ USA\ on\ YouTube\ TV"

But when I try some variation of this, I get an error:

./adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d https://tv.youtube.com/watch/8xN3o2PSL5s?vp=0gEEEgIwAQ%3D%3D com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tvunplugged.activity.MainActivity

The error is:

no matches found: https://tv.youtube.com/watch/8xN3o2PSL5s?vp=0gEEEgIwAQ%3D%3D

Am I simply inputting the channel wrong? It is for USA, and I copied the link when playing USA in my web browser.

You need quotes around the URL

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Thank you. I'm still getting the same error, unfortunately. Here's what I enter:

./adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d “https://tv.youtube.com/watch/8xN3o2PSL5s?vp=0gEEEgIwAQ%3D%3D” com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tvunplugged.activity.MainActivity

And here is the error:

no matches found: “https://tv.youtube.com/watch/8xN3o2PSL5s?vp=0gEEEgIwAQ%3D%3D”
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You have some urlencoded "=" symbols ("%3D") at the end of that url that probably shouldn't be there.

Try this:

./adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "https://tv.youtube.com/watch/8xN3o2PSL5s?vp=0gEEEgIwAQ" com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tvunplugged.activity.MainActivity

You can probably remove the whole query string as well:

./adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "https://tv.youtube.com/watch/8xN3o2PSL5s" com.google.android.youtube.tvunplugged/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tvunplugged.activity.MainActivity