HDMI for Channels


Amazing info. So reboot Colossus device every X hours?


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Correct me if I am wrong that that degrading due to memory leak was for the colossus 1 devices. I dont recall it being an issue for the colossus 2 devices. Also it was an issue for windows installs as well. I dont recall where it was the case with linux.

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Excellent! Appreciate everyone today! Lots of grey beards out there?


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That will work. I sorta meant Unix grey beards?

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All good. For anyone following a unix grey beard might be categorized as:

A Unix greybeard is an aging Unix hacker with an impressive Unix beard that has turned grey. They are known for their knowledge of theoretical computer science, arcane Unix, and complete inability to use a remotely contemporary computer.

Unix greybeards started with Unix/BSD/Linux in the 70s/80s/90s and had very hard-won experience and expertise. They hate systemd and fork distributions.

EDIT: I dont really hate systemd but GPT4 does and my beard is not so epic.

Update: got the card in but running into some issues connecting the cmd stdout to a gin reader. Hopefully have something soon!

Update 2: It's working! If anyone else wants to test please let me know!

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I am wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to launch Haystack News from adb. I figured some app launches on my own (like The Weather Channel app and Paramount+), but can't seem to figure out how to launch Haystack. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My url's i set up for streaming Spectrums watch.spectum.net. I would like to know how I can stream the browser to my HDMI encoder and command the url's in browser but stream from the HDMI encoder. The forum mentions only how to intigrate with a android device. Would like some directions on how to do this with Windows. If I can get this working decently I could setup stream for some of the channels not supported by TVE. I already experimented steaming the browser through the encoder via Channels DVR and its flawless. Just need to know how to command the url's in windows browser. The NBC app quality is awfull. Unfortunately Spectrum doesn't have a android app and the sideloads are not any better don't play in the correct aspect format. Thanks

What does the result of this command show?

adb shell pm list packages | grep hay


I did try adb -s shell am start -am com.haystack.android which of course gave me the Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent { act=com.haystack.android flg=0x10000000 }. That is surely because I don't yet understand android and packages and intents. I am going about this kind of through a trial and error process to learn. Hopefully what I learn here will help me with other apps I'd like to start.

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adb shell monkey -p com.haystack.android -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
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Thanks for help. When I try adb -s shell monkey -p com.haystack.android -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1

I get

 bash arg: -p
 bash arg: com.haystack.android
 bash arg: -c
 bash arg: android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
 bash arg: 1
args: [-p, com.haystack.android, -c, android.intent.category.LAUNCHER, 1]
arg: "-p"
arg: "com.haystack.android"
arg: "-c"
arg: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"
arg: "1"
** No activities found to run, monkey aborted.

What about?

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n com.haystack.android/.tv.ui.LoadingActivity

I actually did try that initially before I posted... I think. But it failed. Tried it again and here is the message that came up.

Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW cmp=com.haystack.android/.tv.ui.LoadingActivity }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.haystack.android/com.haystack.android.tv.ui.LoadingActivity} does not exist.

Thanks again for your time trying to help. I work 3rd shift so I really need to get to bed. But will try any more ideas you or anyone else may suggest tomorrow morning. Thanks.

List all of the intents with this:

adb shell dumpsys package | grep -Eo "^[[:space:]]+[0-9a-f]+[[:space:]]+ com.haystack.android/[^[:space:]]+" | grep -oE "[^[:space:]]+$"```

Then try replacing .tv.ui.LoadingActivity with various intents the command dumps out.