HDMI for Channels

Fantastic! Thank you, I think I've got enough about how this is all put together to go from here.

I truly appreciate the help and all the work you've done

Got it all working!

Now to add multiple tuners and figure out sling tv

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Great. No deep links as far as I know for Sling, so you'll need to use KEYEVENTs (remote control simulation). Check my firetv/directv scripts for some guidance on how this is done. Works fine once you get the hang of it.

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Quick follow up, deeplinks to sling DO work!
You can get them from sling's web based tv viewer.
The format is: https://watch.sling.com/1/asset/8b649e4a2ca5d2859a96720bb1b0f575/watch

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IIRC, those Sling "asset" IDs are for programs rather than channels, and cease to function once the show is over.

Gotcha, I'll check it out later... Thanks

Just experienced a Hulu video lockup again while watching live tv! The HDMI encoder with failure detection/keep_alive.sh is now more reliable than watching directly.

Apple TV latest generation as client.

EDIT: should not have mentioned TVE.

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For those lamenting the lack of a Spectrum app for Android/Fire TV, I just ran across this.

It's a web wrapper for watch.spectrum.net. In limited testing, it works on both a Shield and a FireTV Stick 4k Max. The EPG navigation is a little wonky on the former, though. The app lacks an intent to go straight to a specific channel, but since it's open source, that could be added by someone with Android skills. The app is under active development so maybe the developer could be persuaded to add it.

3 onnTV Tuners.. Let's GOOOO

I'm currently working on a blog post detailing all the steps required to get from zero to THAT ^^^

Thanks again to @tmm1 @bnhf and @KompilerDJ !


Nice! When you get a moment, please PM me your pre, start and stop scripts along with your M3U. I'll give them a quick once-over to see if there's anything I can add, and then I'll post them to the repo for the "next guy". :slight_smile:

@johnofcamas, I look forward to reading your blog post. I'm ini the process of deciding whether to deploy this HDMI capture solution or the Chrome capture one. Which encoder did you decide on? Also, why did you choose the Onn over say a FireTV? My guess would be newer/more complete Android support. I haven't finished this entire thread yet so my aplogies to everyone if that's already been covered.

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Documentation is definitely our next step before 1.0 so would appreciate any pointers of where we can beef this up. Looking forward to the blog post @johnofcamas !

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I wonder why nobody has incorporated recording with HDMI and the HDhomeRun tuners with HDHOMERUN App ,,, I know I do this using NEXTPVR am able to channel change on my Primes and Capture DRM Channels via HDMI... That will surely help when the HDHOMERUN App can play but not record DRM ATSC 3.0 .... I know Crap about this HDMI for Channels so really can't get it going but I do have the Script to Change Channels on the HDHOMERUN App.

It’s on my radar but the encryption issue has me paused and :confused:

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This is the Script I use can tune any Channel using the HDHomeRun APP just needs the Channel number.

@echo off

set device=
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\platform-tools\
set first=2.1

SET "var="&for /f "delims=0123456789." %%i in ("%1") do set var=%%i
if defined var (
    echo "error:  invalid character"
    goto :ends

set line=
set channel=%1
set /a counter=0

    set /a counter += 1
    if %counter% EQU 2 (
        set line=%line%;input keyevent
    set digit=%channel:~0,1%
    set channel=%channel:~1%
    if "%digit%" NEQ "." (
        if "%line%" == "" (
            set line=shell input keyevent KEYCODE_%digit%;sleep 1.0
        ) else (
            set line=%line% KEYCODE_%digit%
    ) else  (
        set line=%line% KEYCODE_PERIOD
if NOT "%channel%" == "" goto loop
set channel=%1
if "%channel%" == "%first%" (
    set line=%line%;input keyevent 111; sleep 0.25;input keyevent 19 66
) else (
    set line=%line%;input keyevent 111; sleep 0.25; input keyevent 66

if %counter% gtr 6 (
    echo "error: max 6 characters"
    goto :ends

adb connect %device% >NUL
set ret=%errorlevel%
if "%ret%" NEQ "0" (
    echo "error: adb not found"
    goto :ends

adb -s %device% shell "dumpsys power | grep =Awake" >NUL
set ret=%errorlevel%
if "%ret%" == "1" adb -s %device% shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP ; sleep 2

adb -s %device% shell pidof com.silicondust.view >NUL
set ret=%errorlevel%
if "%ret%" == "0" goto home:
rem    adb -s %device% shell am force-stop com.silicondust.view >NUL
rem     adb -s %device% shell sleep 1
    adb -s %device% shell am start -W -n com.silicondust.view/.App >NUL 2>NUL
    adb -s %device% shell sleep 10
    goto :adbtune

    adb -s %device% shell "am start -W -n com.silicondust.view/.App | grep -q WARM"
    set ret=%errorlevel%
    if "%ret%" == "0" (
        adb -s %device% shell sleep 4


adb -s %device% shell sleep 0.5; input keyevent 19 19 19;sleep 0.5; input keyevent 21 21 21 66

adb -s %device% %line%

@REM ffmpeg -v panic -re -f dshow -rtbufsize 40M -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30  -i video="USB3. 0 capture":audio="Digital Audio Interface (USB3. 0 capture)"  -vcodec h264_qsv -b:v 4000k -acodec aac -f mpegts -
@REM ffmpeg -v panic -re -i -codec copy -f mpegts -
curl -s
@REM adb -s %device% shell sleep 5

adb -s %device% shell sleep 1; input keyevent 4; am force-stop com.silicondust.view >NUL


Are you using 3.0?

Yes this script will tune any Channel on the HDHomerun APP OTA or Cable.

I am over thinking this. Does the hd homerun app have deep links?

I thought if you could tune the Channel ... Channels DVR should be able to Capture The HDMI Stream. I do this with NEXTPVR and use the M3U from NEXPVR into Channels to capture my DRM Cabble Channels in Channels DVR.

Just thinking that now is the time to prepare to use the HDHomeRun app as input to HDMI for channels.

I am getting too Chatty time for dinner.

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Yeah I think you are right! Just need to get my hands on a rig this hobby is costing me a small fort1une.