HDMI for Channels

I don't have a great understanding of the docker stuff but your build image: bnhf/ah4c:latest was what I used to build the container. I may try the console commands again just to verify I didn't write something down wrong when installing python3 and pyatv...Just checked and the python version installed was Python 3.9.17

Just reran atvremote -s --protocol airplay pair in the console and it asks you to once again reenter the code it is displaying on the ATV even though it is already paired and in the .pyatv.conf file

I believe this should work great at that location

I have to run out for a while but I should be able to test the apple build later tonight.

Just pushed an update to this test build that removes the pairing, as it's interactive -- which doesn't work in a startup script. I left this though: atvremote --scan-hosts $atv scan to be able to confirm pairing for all defined AppleTVs in the log:	localhost
::1	localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0	ip6-localnet
ff00::0	ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1	ip6-allnodes
ff02::2	ip6-allrouters	ah4c3 encoder_23393

Scan Results
       Name: Meadow Room
   Model/SW: Apple TV 4K (gen 3), tvOS 17.3
        MAC: [redacted]
 Deep Sleep: False

 - [redacted]
 - [redacted]
 - [redacted]

 - Protocol: Companion, Port: 49154, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
 - Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
 - Protocol: RAOP, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
Existing ./scripts/firetv/directv/prebmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/firetv/directv/bmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/firetv/directv/stopbmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing directv.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing dtvosprey.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing dtvstream.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing foo-fighters.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing fubo.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing hulu.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing livetv.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing npo.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing silicondust.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing sling.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing spectrum.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing youtubetv_shield.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing youtubetv.m3u found, and will be preserved
[START] ah4c is starting
[ENV] Not loading env
[ENV] IPADDRESS                  htpc6:7674
[ENV] ALERT_SMTP_SERVER          smtp.gmail.com:587
[ENV] ALERT_AUTH_SERVER          smtp.gmail.com
[ENV] ALERT_EMAIL_FROM           [redacted]
[ENV] ALERT_EMAIL_PASS           [redacted]
[ENV] ALERT_EMAIL_TO             [redacted]
[ENV] Creating tuner             1
[ENV] ENCODER1_URL               http://encoder_23393/0.ts
[ENV] TUNER1_IP        
[ENV] CMD1                       
[ENV] TEECMD1                    
[ENV] PRE SCRIPT                 ./scripts/atv/spectrum/prebmitune.sh
[ENV] START SCRIPT               ./scripts/atv/spectrum/bmitune.sh
[ENV] STOP SCRIPT                ./scripts/atv/spectrum/stopbmitune.sh
[ENV] REBOOT SCRIPT              ./scripts/atv/spectrum/reboot.sh
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:	export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:	gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
[GIN-debug] GET    /favicon.ico              --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /favicon.ico              --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] Loaded HTML Templates (11): 

	- edit.html
	- index.html

	- logs.html

	- m3us.html
	- routes.html
	- stream.html
	- config.html
	- editm3u.html
	- status.html
	- status_and_logs.html
[GIN-debug] GET    /static/*filepath         --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /static/*filepath         --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /                         --> main.run.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /routes                   --> main.run.func2 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /play/tuner:tuner/:channel --> main.run.func3 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /m3u/:channel             --> main.run.func4 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /env                      --> main.run.func5 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /logs/text                --> main.run.func6 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /logs                     --> main.run.func7 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /status/andlogs           --> main.run.func8 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /logs/json                --> main.run.func9 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /video                    --> main.run.func10 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /status                   --> main.statusPageHandler (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /api/status               --> main.apiStatusHandler (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /stream                   --> main.run.func11 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /test/webhook             --> main.run.func12 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /test/email               --> main.run.func13 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /status/channelsactivity  --> main.run.func14 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /edit                     --> main.run.func15 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /save                     --> main.run.func16 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /m3usave/:file            --> main.run.func17 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /m3us                     --> main.run.func18 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /editm3u/:file            --> main.run.func19 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /config                   --> main.run.func20 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /configsave               --> main.run.func21 (2 handlers)
[START] ah4c is ready
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :7654
> ws-scrcpy@0.8.1-dev start
> node ./index.js
Listening on:
	http://ah4c3:8000 http://localhost:8000

If you could figure out how to make this file location change, I'd appreciate it. Does an alternate location need to be specified with every command, or is it a one-time thing?


I have not been able to find a way to make the file location persistant.
Here is my new pair command from inside docker console

atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/test.conf -s --protocol companion pair

This will store the pairing file in the same location as the adb keys with a file name of test.conf
I also realized for the commands in my scripts only the companion protocol is needed so the other pairings are not needed in my case but people may want to add them anyhow to future proof the scripts.

The script commands need to specify the file location like this:


atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/test.conf -s launch_app=spectrumTV://watch.spectrum.net/livetv/58780


atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/test.conf -s menu delay=1000 menu delay=1000 menu

I lock the IP addresses for all the DVR stuff so I prefer to use them instead of other identifiers.
Also I reverified that the pair file can be made on different computers and then stored in the adb location or even with the m3u or scripts files if you prefer.
So everyone could make the pairing file on any computer with pyatv installed and with access to the ATV's if they don't what to use the docker console.

I will now try to create a docker with your
image: bnhf/ah4c:test.appletv

How are you defining the following, in the volumes section of Portainer-Stacks?

Here's mine as an example:

      - ${HOST_DIR}/ah4c/scripts:/opt/scripts # pre/stop/bmitune.sh scripts will be stored in this bound host directory under streamer/app
      - ${HOST_DIR}/ah4c/m3u:/opt/m3u # m3u files will be stored here and hosted at http://<hostname or ip>:7654/m3u for use in Channels DVR - Custom Channels settings
      - ${HOST_DIR}/ah4c/adb:/root/.android # Persistent data directory for adb keys

And, in the environment variable section:


And then looking at that bound directory on my Docker host:

Sorry for the confusion.
I meant I could not find a atvremote command that would "set" the file /location/name for the pairing file.
I have bound directories available like yours.

      - /srv/5ab84941-c842-42b9-9bce-80979edd927d/Pool/_AppData/ah4c/scripts:/opt/scripts # pre/stop/bmitune.sh scripts will be stored in this bound host directory under streamer/app
      - /srv/5ab84941-c842-42b9-9bce-80979edd927d/Pool/_AppData/ah4c/m3u:/opt/m3u # m3u files will be stored here and hosted at http://<hostname or ip>:7654/m3u for use in Channels DVR - Custom Channels settings
      - /srv/5ab84941-c842-42b9-9bce-80979edd927d/Pool/_AppData/ah4c/adb:/root/.android # Persistent data directory for adb keys

By default pyatv wants to put the .pyatv.conf pairing file at $HOME/.pyatv.conf so...
We will have to include the --storage-filename /root/.android/test.conf in each atvremote command in the script files so it knows where to look and what it is called.

Oh, I gotcha. That would have been nice, but for script file purposes, not that big of a deal.

I spun-up an ARM only container yesterday to see if I could figure out why pyatv won't install either arm64 or arm/v7 -- and the results were not encouraging. It just seemed to be continuously wanting another dependency to be installed.

It could be related to the slightly older version of Alpine I'm using for compatibility with ws-scrcpy, but why pyatv installs easily on the amd64 version of things, and fails on arm remains a mystery. I won't be able create an all-in-one container for adb and atvremote without multi-arch support.

For now, I'll create an :appletv tagged container that's just amd64, once we've moved out of the test phase. But hopefully it won't have to remain as an outlier build.

1 Like

I am running docker on AMD A8-7600 so that explains my success with pyatv install.

Ok...just did first test on bnhf/ah4c:test.appletv

Placed pairing file at /root/.android/.pyatv.conf and referred to it in scripts.

Initially failed to start channel because of a permission issue with scripts...
Don't remember having this issue with other builds...
ran chmod -R 777 /opt/scripts in the console to test...and it tuned and stopped the channel with no issues.

Here is the log of both:

Also restarted stack a few times and everything continued to work.

I will work on ordering 1-2 more ATV on ebay so I can do multi-tuner testing also

Hi, I have read this post but still not sure of all hardware that is needed. Can someone let me know exactly what hardware I need to purchase (HDMI IP encoder and what else)? I would like to give this a shot. I have YTTV, Chromecast with Google TV and Windows PC. TVE channels are getting smaller. Thanks in advance.

1 Like

Along with the HDMI encoder, you need a streaming stick per "virtual tuner" you'd like to setup. The encoder needs to have sufficient ports to match that desired number of tuners as well.

Thank you very much!


Update on bnhf/ah4c:test.appletv test docker

Just received 2nd Apple TV...Added 2nd ATV tuner to Docker Stack and changed tuning scripts to allow them to go to either tuner using variables instead of hardlinks.

Everything is working GREAT!

No issues at all. When changing channels it alternates between the 2 tuners...while stopping one it uses the next to tune next channel just as you would expect.

Really appreciate your work on this.


I've created a new all-in-one container that incorporates AppleTV (as a streaming device) support, and the Spectrum M3U. Both amd64 and arm64 are supported, but arm/v7 has been dropped.

This latest container is available as bnhf/ah4c:test for the moment, but will be rolled out as :latest once I get some confirmation from a few users that it's working as intended.

@ChannelSam Are you able to submit your appletv/spectrum scripts, so I can incorporate them into the next build?

1 Like

Here are my scripts...I don't have any extra delays in tuning or anything because I don't mind seeing the spectrum app starting first.



# Nothing Needed



atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/.pyatv.conf -s $2 launch_app=spectrumTV://watch.spectrum.net/livetv/$1



atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/.pyatv.conf -s $1 home

#Use this command if you have set  "ATV configuration settings->remotes and devices->TV Button to Home Screen" on the AppleTV
#Otherwise you may need to disable above command and enable one below but it is much slower to stop.

#atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/.pyatv.conf -s $1 menu delay=1000 menu delay=1000 menu

Here is a sample of the first couple channels in my spectrum.m3u... I can post the whole thing if wanted but I only included the channels I wanted and gave them channel numbers for my use case. I used the m3u post by @chasut for the tuning numbers for the national channels.



#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="35152" channel-number="1002" tvg-name="WDTNDT" tvc-guide-stationid="35152",NBC-DAYTON
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/35152

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="54526" channel-number="1003" tvg-name="WHIODT2" tvc-guide-stationid="54526",MeTV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/54526

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="32771" channel-number="1004" tvg-name="WLIODT" tvc-guide-stationid="32771",NBC-LIMA
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/32771

I will change to bnhf/ah4c:test and make sure everything still works.



bnhf/ah4c:test erroring out when starting channel...


2024/03/17 17:15:20 [START] ah4c is starting
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] Not loading env
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] IPADDRESS
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALERT_SMTP_SERVER
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALERT_AUTH_SERVER
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALERT_EMAIL_FROM
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALERT_EMAIL_PASS
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALERT_EMAIL_TO
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALERT_WEBHOOK_URL
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ALLOW_DEBUG_VIDEO_PREVIEW
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] Creating tuner 1
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ENCODER1_URL
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] TUNER1_IP
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] CMD1
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] TEECMD1
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] PRE SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/prebmitune.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] START SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/bmitune.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] STOP SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/stopbmitune.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] REBOOT SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/reboot.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] Creating tuner 2
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] ENCODER2_URL
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] TUNER2_IP
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] CMD2
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] TEECMD2
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] PRE SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/prebmitune.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] START SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/bmitune.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] STOP SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/stopbmitune.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [ENV] REBOOT SCRIPT ./scripts/atv/spectrum/reboot.sh
2024/03/17 17:15:20 [START] ah4c is ready
2024/03/17 17:17:43 [GIN-debug] Request: GET /, latency: 4.017634ms, status: 200
2024/03/17 17:17:45 [GIN-debug] Request: GET /logs, latency: 2.158591ms, status: 200
2024/03/17 17:18:13 Attempting network tune for device 30636
2024/03/17 17:18:13 [EXECUTE] Running [./scripts/atv/spectrum/prebmitune.sh 30636]
2024/03/17 17:18:13 [EXECUTE] Stdout: ''
2024/03/17 17:18:13 [EXECUTE] Stderr: ''
2024/03/17 17:18:13 [EXECUTE] Finished running ./scripts/atv/spectrum/prebmitune.sh in 5.198906ms
2024/03/17 17:18:13 [EXECUTE] Running [./scripts/atv/spectrum/bmitune.sh 30636]
2024/03/17 17:18:14 [EXECUTE] Stdout: ''
2024/03/17 17:18:14 [EXECUTE] Stderr: 'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/atvremote", line 5, in
from pyatv.scripts.atvremote import main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/__init__.py", line 26, in
from pyatv.protocols import PROTOCOLS
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/__init__.py", line 10, in
from pyatv.protocols import airplay as airplay_proto
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/airplay/__init__.py", line 28, in
from pyatv.protocols import mrp
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/__init__.py", line 60, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp import messages, protobuf
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/messages.py", line 9, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp import protobuf
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/__init__.py", line 9, in
from . import AudioFadeMessage_pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/AudioFadeMessage_pb2.py", line 15, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp.protobuf import PlayerPath_pb2 as pyatv_dot_protocols_dot_mrp_dot_protobuf_dot_PlayerPath__pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/PlayerPath_pb2.py", line 14, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp.protobuf import Origin_pb2 as pyatv_dot_protocols_dot_mrp_dot_protobuf_dot_Origin__pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/Origin_pb2.py", line 14, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp.protobuf import DeviceInfoMessage_pb2 as pyatv_dot_protocols_dot_mrp_dot_protobuf_dot_DeviceInfoMessage__pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/DeviceInfoMessage_pb2.py", line 24, in
AttributeError: type object 'ProtocolMessage' has no attribute 'RegisterExtension'
2024/03/17 17:18:14 [EXECUTE] Finished running ./scripts/atv/spectrum/bmitune.sh in 1.10649041s
2024/03/17 17:18:14 [ERR] Failed to run start script: exit status 1
2024/03/17 17:19:09 [IO] io.Copy: write tcp> write: broken pipe
2024/03/17 17:19:09 [IOINFO] Successfully copied 5918432 bytes
2024/03/17 17:19:09 [IOINFO] Transfer speed: 0.8510330387445634 Mbits/second
2024/03/17 17:19:09 Performing Close() for
2024/03/17 17:19:09 [EXECUTE] Running [./scripts/atv/spectrum/stopbmitune.sh 30636]
2024/03/17 17:19:10 [EXECUTE] Stdout: ''
2024/03/17 17:19:10 [EXECUTE] Stderr: 'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/atvremote", line 5, in
from pyatv.scripts.atvremote import main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/__init__.py", line 26, in
from pyatv.protocols import PROTOCOLS
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/__init__.py", line 10, in
from pyatv.protocols import airplay as airplay_proto
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/airplay/__init__.py", line 28, in
from pyatv.protocols import mrp
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/__init__.py", line 60, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp import messages, protobuf
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/messages.py", line 9, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp import protobuf
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/__init__.py", line 9, in
from . import AudioFadeMessage_pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/AudioFadeMessage_pb2.py", line 15, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp.protobuf import PlayerPath_pb2 as pyatv_dot_protocols_dot_mrp_dot_protobuf_dot_PlayerPath__pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/PlayerPath_pb2.py", line 14, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp.protobuf import Origin_pb2 as pyatv_dot_protocols_dot_mrp_dot_protobuf_dot_Origin__pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/Origin_pb2.py", line 14, in
from pyatv.protocols.mrp.protobuf import DeviceInfoMessage_pb2 as pyatv_dot_protocols_dot_mrp_dot_protobuf_dot_DeviceInfoMessage__pb2
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protobuf/DeviceInfoMessage_pb2.py", line 24, in
AttributeError: type object 'ProtocolMessage' has no attribute 'RegisterExtension'

I don't see a log file in the adb,m3u, or script locations...is this log being stored somewhere else?

Good to see you are still running this. Please continue to post your experience.

I noticed on your stopbmitune script you are using multiple [menu] presses to close out the app. Don't know if there is a particular reason, but what I do is set up the ATV "TV" button to return to Home Screen instead of the default TV app. So a single [home] press exits the app. This was part of my quest to minimize tune time.

I was able to modify my version of the original script to get tuner fail-over, but was missing the slick status screen to monitor the tuners. Since I am using PyATV through Home Assistant, I just built a dashboard and can now monitor, but also control the ATVs remotely.



I noticed on your stopbmitune script you are using multiple [menu] presses to close out the app. Don't know if there is a particular reason, but what I do is set up the ATV "TV" button to return to Home Screen instead of the default TV app. So a single [home] press exits the app. This was part of my quest to minimize tune time.

All I have is a first gen little white remote that ebay seller sent with one of the ATV's. No "TV" button. I added the extra Menu presses with delays because it didn't always make it back to home screen... Could you show me your stop script and i will give it a try.

I don't use scripts anymore, my modified version makes the call directly from main.go. But when I did, it looked like this:

curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer [rediculously long bearer token here]" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"entity_id": "remote.tuner0", "command": "home"}' \

I am going through HA, so the api is a little different. But it should be just replacing the "menu" command with "home" in the atvremote call.

Note the reference to setting the ATV configuration settings->remotes and devices->TV Button to Home Screen.

I am still learning this ATV stuff...all new to me...I remember I was having issues when I tried to use the "home" command before. I just made your suggested change in the ATV's and changed stopbmitune.sh command to...

atvremote --storage-filename /root/.android/.pyatv.conf -s $1 home

Working Great! Stops stream WAY faster!