Help with Channels DVR Tuning Issues – Mac Mini and TELEVES BEXIA Setup

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping to get some guidance on my setup with Channels DVR. I’m running Channels DVR on an M1 Mac Mini, and I have several clients connecting to it, mostly iPhones on the latest iOS. Though I usually get the most problem on my two Apple TV 4K's. Generally, it works well, but I do encounter recurring issues. Sometimes I get heavy tuner issues, while other times everything works perfectly, like today where I’m able to watch ABC live with no problem.

Yesterday, however, I couldn’t get ABC at all—lots of major issues and eventually, it wouldn’t even receive the channel. I know this is all free, and I’m willing to work through the kinks, but it’s frustrating when it fails just when I need it most.

I’m not sure where the bottleneck is. Could this be an internet issue, or is it likely due to my TELEVES BEXIA antenna? Any advice on troubleshooting this would be really appreciated!

Thanks for any tips

You'll get better help if you can explain what the "issues" are, specifically.
What you were trying to do, with what device, which source and channel, what happened exactly, any error messages displayed or in the dvr log, etc.

On my Apple TV, I am trying to watch live broadcast and I keep getting lots of distortion and I see the message in the top right corner of the tuner is having problems. I'm using HD Home Run and when I view the app itself I get no issues. Then again I'm viewing it on a iPhonea nd my issues mainly arise on Apple TV.

Apologies but I’m pretty sure I made my issues clear in the post and what channel and what client

What is the exact message shown?

Welcome to the Forum and sorry, but this is a Community Forum, not an official support forum.
Other users, like myself, try helping users posting problems.
Something to keep in mind next time you post here.

One of the developers has replied to you.

By default, the Channels apps stream directly from the tuner to the client, bypassing the DVR entirely. If you don't have a problem on your phone, but you do on the Apple TV, then the issue is likely in your network between the tuner and your Apple TV.

If you do not have issues with recordings, then I recommend setting the Tuner Sharing option to On on the Apple TV. (Actually, it would probably be best to enable Tuner Sharing in the Server Side Settings, to force all clients to use this setting. That way if multiple clients want to watch the same channel live, or you wish to watch it live while recording, it will only use a single tuner.)