Help with custom channel epg not loading

I'm hoping someone can assist me with this issue, I believe I have a valid epg.xml but no matter how hard I try I can't get the guide data to load.

These are the settings I have:

Custom Channel
Name: Test3
Stream Format: HLS
Source: Text


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="" channel-number="20007" tvg-id="" tvg-logo="",Seven

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="" channel-number="20009" tvg-id="" tvg-logo="",Nine

Options: Prefer channel-number from M3U
XMLTV Guide Data:

In the log I see this:

2022/02/17 16:09:18.744608 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-Test3 in 0s
2022/02/17 16:09:19.503302 [DVR] Indexed 0 airings into XMLTV-Test3 (0 channels over 0s) + 0 skipped [0s index]

When I look at the "Manage Lineup" I can see that it's finding the channel information from the EPG and is showing the channel name and the logo.

But when I go to view it in the guide there is no guide data. I'd love some help to figure out why it's not loading.


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Is there data in the xml file in c:/programdata/ChannelsDVR/data

Yep that file is there and it looks pretty good.


@tmm1 are there any other trouble shooting steps I can take?

Not quite sure. I see the same behavior. Its having trouble linking the two for some reason.

Maybe try removing the <lcn> from the xmltv file to see if that makes any difference

Ok thanks (and good to know you're seeing the same behaviour). I wasn't able to fiddle with the xmltv file because from what I can see it has to be hosted. Am I able to edit the local copy or how would you recommend I make changes for testing purposes?


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I believe you can save a local copy, edit, then feed the path to the file instead of a url

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Doh - for some reason I didn't think I could reference a local file! That worked a treat! I removed the element and now it works nicely!

Is this something you're able to fix so that I can use the url instead of having to manage a local copy?

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Yea I will try to take a look tomorrow. There must be some silly bug.

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Much appreciated - I'll keep an eye out for any updates :grinning:

Hi @tmm1, did you get a chance to fix this? I have a workaround in place so I'm not too bothered. But if it is fixed then I can remove my workaround.

Fixed in prerelease.