Help with new network setup


192 doesn't connect.

Sounds like firewall on your PC is preventing access

Where is your switch plugged in? Is it the main router or is it plugged into one of the WiFi pucks. I think it has to be plugged into the router.

The switch is plugged in to the puck, and the puck is plugged in to the modem.

Can you login to the isp modem device and see what is shown there for WAN IP. Are there firewall or port forward settings on that device?

No, the modem doesn't respond (the Reddit thread above seems to indicate that it is not configurable).

You need to troubleshoot step by step to figure out where the issue is.

On the DVR PC, can you access
On the DVR PC, can you access

On another wifi device like a tablet, phone or PC, can you access Is the IP assigned to that device also 192.168.86.x?

Is there a firewall enabled on your PC? If you disable the firewall and try the above again, does it work?

Huh, I was able to connect when I turned off the windows public network firewall. I turned the firewall back on, and added "Public" to my inbound firewall rules for Channels and it is still working (it was just enabled for private). Is this the proper method, and is it safe? It worked fine with my old ISP, not sure why it started blocking with the new one when I didn't change anything on the PC.

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