Hide Guide Categories - HD, SD, Favorites

u can turn that side bar off. i forget how.

Adding my vote for this as well. I've been a 100% Android Shield user until I recently got an ATV4k to play with, and this was one of the first things I noticed. Yes, absolutely, please make ATV guide work/display the same as the Android guide. Thanks!

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I would also like to be able to edit the guide collections as that is where everyone goes for the most part. Seems like a pretty big oversight.

Speaking of oversight, you may consider setting up "Channel Collections" (which have been available for 2+ years now) to handle that customization, and a whole lot more.

Dev has mentioned that they are looking into making the UI more customizable.

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I am familiar with the collections - is there a way that I can add a custom collection to the side of the guide?

Yes, via Server Side Settings

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Ah, this was absolutely a me problem. I was reading an older thread discussing the sports collection, and how sometimes sports will be on non-sports channels (CBS, ABC, TNT etc) and that if you were to create a collection (the post was a few years old) there was no dynamic way to include sports, and you would end up having to include those non-sports channels in the sports collection.

I see the automatic channels section which looks like it will do exactly what I needed. Apologies for the lack of digging on my end and thank you for pointing me back in the right direction. Cheers.