Hide timeline during skip forward/back?

I use skip forward/back EXTENSIVELY while watching (American) Football and the timeline really gets in the way of the action as well as the scoreboard / down indicator. I would like to at least shorten the amount of time it stays visible, or disable it completely when using the skip forward/back (30/7 sec) while watching sports.

TiVo had the option to make it faster to disappear (< 1 sec?) and Plex doesn't show a timeline at all, just a very quick black circle with 30 and an arrow forward or 10 and an arrow backwards in the middle bottom portion of the screen. Personally I prefer Plex's method, since both Plex and Channels react so quickly to the skip forward/back buttons.

To make it go away sooner, press Down on the remote. (Obviously this won't work while skipping, but while paused or immediately after skipping, it will dismiss the timeline.)

(Similarly, to display the timeline during playback without pausing, press Up.)

(Edit: I believe I misspoke. I think it might be Up to dismiss the timeline. I'm not near an Android device to check.)

Yes on Android up will dismiss time line. On atv4k a lite touch on the touch pad will also dismiss the time line