High Windows CPU Usage With Latest Windows Update

FYI - The Powershell fix worked for me. Setting has loaded properly! Thanks for the fix!

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Applied latest pre-release 2023.02.24.0300 and the Settings page now loads. Thank you for the quick fix! The CPU usage by Channels is still the same as before the update at around 12% for me. Not terribly annoying, but I don't recall it taking that much CPU until recent updates.

Can you send a debug stack?

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My channels CPU usage is bouncing between 12% & 13% also. FYI. I'm using 2023.02.23.1405.

If you still see high cpu usage, please click then File>Save and email to support@getchannels.com

Please update to the latest build to see if the CPU usage is improved.

That seems to have done the trick. I am on 2023.02.28.2353 the settings menu is now working. CPU is 0% when idle and 2-3% when watching a channel on AppleTV.


Please try the latest build. Hopefully the settings page still works.

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The prerelease update this morning to re-enable firewall checks 2023.03.01.1511 brought back the stuck at System Firewall check and Settings page not loading. I uninstalled it and loaded the stable release 2023.01.23.1746 and it works.

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Updated to v2023.03.02.0558. Still seeing same CPU load 11-12%. Settings page works.

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I updated Channels to 2023.03.03.1951. My CPU load increased. It is now bouncing between 12.9% and 14%.

I used Task Manager to stop Channels, then reloaded. CPU load remained high. The setting page does still load with new update.


Thanks for the Powershell fix. I had the same exact issue, now resolved.


About 3 days ago the CPU load from Channels disappeared with the same version v2023.03.02.0558. Seems like it was after a reboot for another reason. Didn't notice the improvement until the next day. This version seems to not do firewall checks.

For those still seeing high cpu, do you have the Tailscale feature enabled?

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FWIW, I have been running the Win10 pre-releases for a week or so. No appreciable CPU load at all.

Tailscale is enabled and has been.

Can you try the latest prerelease

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31 %cpu just watching a channel no transcoding. Running as service.

Logs have been submitted as 663e5dbd-8014-42be-8687-d6175b799da2 .

I have updated to version 2023.03.28.1656. My CPU usage is 1% or less, even with viewing Channels on my TV. However, the CPU usage was corrected for me on my PC in the updates earlier this month.

Mine also went down to less than 3 Percent also after updating windows. Thanks for posting about the updates.


Looking for a guinea pig.. someone who had issues with the Settings page not loading before, and can try a test build. I want to re-enable the firewall checks and see if its still happening after the other recent changes.

To try it out:

curl.exe -XPUT