Home Assistant - Media Player Entity is ‘Unknown’ After yaml Config

The problem

I have recently tried to add Channels to my HA install. I have set the yaml config as per integration instructions, rebooted HA and the media_player entity is created however the entity only shows up as ‘unavailable’

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?

No response

What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation on our website

Diagnostics information

No diagnostic data - integration is configurable only by yaml, and does not show up in Integrations page. No log files generated ( I have tried adding an entry to logger of homeassistant.components.media_player: debugand homeassistant.components.channels: debug but get no log output)


Example YAML snippet

media_player: - platform: channels name: Channels DVR host: port: 57000

Also posted on HA GitHub Channels - Media Player Entity is ‘Unknown’ After yaml Config · Issue #73452 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Have you played anything? It shows as unknown if the app isn’t playing.

@maddox yes, I have played IPtV channels, recorded streams, rebooted HA and Channels, updated to latest pre-release of Channels Server (I’m now running 2022.06.14.1712 and have tried checking for updates every couple days days). Unfortunately no logs are generated in HA for me to even start seeing what is going wrong.
Also, my Ha version is now 2022.6.6

Try opening this in a browser while you're watching something:

Done. Shows up the following:

I’m currently playing a stream effectively from a HDHomeRun but being sent from xTeve

The Channels media player component talks to the app, not the server. You need to use the IP address of your streaming device.

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Ahhhh I see. That makes sense. My Apple TV is When I browse to that address with the IRL you provided I get the following:

Thanks for clarifying that. I will update HA config to Apple TV IP. Thanks for your help