"Home" section

I seem to have a "Home" section on my left navigation choices that I never asked for and that I can't seem to remove. In addition, I am setup to open to my Guide but lately when I open, it flashes the Guide but then goes to this Home section.

How to I remove the Home section and get Channels to go to the Guide (which is what is selected for on App Launch & Resume)

Home is just the same section as Library, it was renamed.

Check your Startup Section and maybe change it and change it back.

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Just tried that. Still wants to open Home first. I have Guide set both for this client and also globally but for some reason it is going to the Home folder.

If you turn off the startup section setting, will it remember the last focused tab on a fresh launch (the default behavior)

Might be a bug. I deleted the startup section from the device and also from my master control. opened Channels and it took me to Home. Changed focus to Guide, exited. Restarted Channels and it took me (flashing the guide) to Home.

Reboot helped - now behaving correctly.

So all is well now?

Thanks. Yes. The reboot resolved things and I was able to then set startup settings. Question, is a reboot required to reset client settings set from the server or is it supposed to be dynamic (ie server changes propagate to the client) and what is the expected lag time.

No, server side settings will propagate as you set them when the app is running.