Home Video Audio Plays Video Doesn't

So I have been adding home videos to our library. Everything has gone fine except for 2 videos that are mp4 files. Audio plays fine no video. Any ideas? The video plays fine on my computer desktop in channels but none of the clients will play the video.

I know I'm missing something easy.

Which client devices?

FireTV’s. Plays on iPhone and computer desktop just not fire TV’s. Plays fine on all clients using Plex.

Okay I think it was fixed in the beta version already

So update to latest Beta?

Updated. Unfortunately, did not correct the problem. Odd that all the rest play without issue. These 2 files were facebook video downloads. They seem to play on everything else and it’s only these two files. Not a big deal but Plex plays without difficulty and on all platforms. Channels plays on iPhone and desktop

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