After working for a while, HomePod audio issues have returned. If I revert back to 3.29.2041, things work fine.
Can you describe these issues in more detail?
Yes they are. Reverting works.
Which of the issues
you know, I don't want to type it all out because its every issue with HomePods that I and others spent time troubleshooting and documenting that where met with silence, deleted threads, fanboys stepping in as authority, banning, deleting and properly dismissing the issue all together by employees with accusations which is not worth spending time to help you fix your product. my first post in this thread seems to have been deleted by someone so I had to do it again. yea, I'm salty.
basically everything we've been saying for years before you fixed it.
for you, ill spend the time, again.
ever since you took the lab driver away (I think its was the build before that when you announced that it was going away), the experimental now exhibits the same stuff as before:
no audio when in pip then it pauses. maximize pip, video still paused
trick play reverted back to its broken state where there is a delay in audio and video.
sometimes to get it back you either have to force quit the app or check and then uncheck the audio language in options.
no audio when it rolls to next show
-and a lot other things that I can't test because I had a power outage before and everything is kinda better now that the HomePods and Apple TV where rebooted.
diagnostics submitted for some of the issues I just experienced.
in this build, the default driver works perfectly fine (right now). no delays, pip works, trick play works perfectly (as of now) with no delay.
second set of diagnostics with default driver sent.
this raises the question, what's your endgame here with HomePods? is your goal to have only one driver? or for those of us with hompods you want us to use the experimental since it says "better airplay 2 support"
thanks for your help Aman.
Okay thanks. When I was testing it was working so I'm surprised. We will check it out.