Hosting directories for additional channels?

I'm curious if Channels has given any thought to hosting directories for "free" applications like Pluto or IMDb to name a couple? I've tinkered around with the Docker work-around but I've never been able to keep it running consistently an. I'd be willing to kick in an additional subscription fee to have someone else maintain those directories for me and just make one thing in life a little easier.


There’s no plans to provide these thing natively as part of our product. These sources are unofficial and therefore not 100% reliable, in that we have no control over them. Because of this, we can’t ensure the quality we expect to serve our fans.

That’s why our custom channels feature exists. It’s a way to add these things if you want.

This won’t change in the future.

Check out this topic for integrating these sources without hosting the applications yourself.


Thanks! I'll give that a shot.

I can vouch for, that setup works great! Kudos and thanks to @HankLloydRight! And of course @maddox too :slight_smile:

Hmm, have you seen an .m3u8 file or Docker for IMDb TV? I'd love to add those as custom channels too if it's possible.