How can I TEMP Disable CUSTOM M3U?

So here is my situation. I have a HD Prime. I have a custom URL mapped from their SD channel to their HD channel via direct URLs. However when I have storms I disconnect the Prime. Leaving the URLs not working. This is all for my mother who is in her 70s. She HAS to have the stations for the lower numbers match to the higher HD counterparts. Up until now I've been putting a "*" or "#" in the M3U code to cause Channels not to read it, thus not put the channels in the guide. When the storms pass and I connect the Prime back up, I remove the extra character so they show up in the guide again. Problem is that extra character is causing massive system interrupts, and log entries as the server tries to parse the M3U that is now "Malformed". Is there no way from the server side I can enable and disable a source? I don't want to have to relink it, then remap the channel numbers every time it storms.

Would just unfavoriting all the stations during the storm be quicker? When you reenable them, they'll go back to where they were.

I think the OP is disconnecting the Primes to protect them during a storm... that is how I read it.

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If that is the case wouldn't a surge protector with coax remove the need to disconnect and go through this process altogether. APC Surge Protector with Phone, Network Ethernet and Coaxial Protection

What is being interrupted?

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Channels keeps trying to parse the M3U that is now "Malformed" with the extra character to make the channels it contains not show up. Creating Windows System Interrupts.

Any info? An entire enable/disable option like on the client side for the server would be fantastic. :slight_smile:

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Your feature request has been noted.

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I've got a different use case, I'm just tinkering with custom M3Us for webcams and various livestreams, but have long desired the ability to enable/disable them as I experiment and play around with different versions.

So please consider this a +1 to this feature request. Thanks for submitting it!

+1 for the same reason as Fofer.
I've been disabling / re-enabling the individual channels in the M3U's as a workaround.
Anytime I disable the channels, I have to Delete and Recreate the guide database, otherwise the old guide data for those channels remains until it runs out.

+1 for similar reasons as @Fofer and @chDVRuser mention. I also tinker with custom channels and would like to be able to disable/enable individual sources server side as I test things.

A celebration is in order :tada: