Pause a Custom M3U source

I know this has been a request many times.
Can we have a way to edit the Source Text so Channels DVR doesn't assign channel numbers.
Don't want to delete the source and have to recreate it later, just "pause" it.

Thinking something easy like adding some keyword at the first line?

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="callsign1" channel-number="1234" tvg-chno="1234" tvg-id="callsign1" tvc-guide-stationid="12345" tvg-name="callsign1",callsign1
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="callsign2" channel-number="2345" tvg-chno="2345" tvg-id="callsign2" tvc-guide-stationid="23456" tvg-name="callsign2",callsign2
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="callsign3" channel-number="3456" tvg-chno="3456" tvg-id="callsign3" tvc-guide-stationid="34567" tvg-name="callsign3",callsign3

What about in the app

Settings, Sources, open the source, Enabled to OFF

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True, but that's a per client setting.
I want to disable the channels appearing, guide data downloading and recording from the source temporarily. From the server.

What I currently have to do is copy all the settings and store them somewhere, then delete the source.
Later I have to recreate the source with all the settings I saved.

Yes, I do wish there was a better way to deal with this. I wish we could pause entire sources.
Previous discussion here:

In the meantime I just end up just "hiding" every channel in the Custom Channel source that I want to "pause."

At least this bookmarklet makes this management a lot easier:

I do that when there's only a few channels. See my post in the first thread you posted

An actual enable toggle per source on the server should be the way to achieve this. Please do not introduce new directives to M3U playlists which are already too convoluted and poorly documented, and won't be supported by anyone else.

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This is now a feature of Playlist Manger for Channel (an SLM Add-on):

Check it out!


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