How do I add a season pass for a show that's not in the guide yet?

So it will get NCIS, & Hawaii and Sydney too? (Yes, I get the new entry is very important) -Bill

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What's nice about an advanced pass is you can change things and immediately see the matches it found.
Using Title CONTAINS phrase means it will find any show/movie with that phrase in the show name/movie title. Using Title == phrase only finds those whose whole Title matches exactly.
Easy to play around with it using things in the guide to see how it works.
Just don't save your changes until you get it right, or it might start recording as soon as you save!


My Smart Pass for Primetime caught GHOSTS from UK when actors were on strike was nice to have something new to watch ... advanced passes are great.

NIce, I didn't notice the == I will change it from Contains... -Bill

This post also helps explains what happens with Advanced Passes using Title Contains settings:

For new, do I chose a Tag == New, I am not sure about if Tag is what I need to use? I didn't do that for NCIS and it just recorded 4 old episodes... -Bill

Yes Tag == New, is the one to use. You can also add Channel numbers using channels contains.

This is my Prime Time Pass

Tags == New 
Title != SIGN OFF 
Channel CONTAINS 2.1 
Channel CONTAINS 6.1 
Channel CONTAINS 8.1 
Channel CONTAINS 32.1 
Channel CONTAINS 712 
Time CONTAINS 8pm 
Time CONTAINS 9pm 
Time CONTAINS 10pm 
Genres EXCLUDES News 
Genres EXCLUDES Newsmagazine 

Thanks, I also just figure out if you make a season pass normally it defaults to having that tag in there, any you make manually do not have that tag. Two steps forward and one step back.. -Bill

How do you use that primetime pass? Are you able to save that as a template or do you cut and paste that somehow? -Bill

The above is a cut and paste of my Prime Time Pass.

below is a screenshot

You'll find the New tag is a double-edged sword.
It's put in the guide when a Movie or Episode in "New" on that Network airing it.
You may see Gilligan's Island or other old Shows and Movies marked as New.
I no longer use New in my Passes.
Channels DVR will only record an episode once.

Sometimes yes, sometimes not. "New" has always been a network/station determined value provided to guide maintainers. Usually it means first time ever aired, but lately some networks have provided this tag for the first time it has aired on their network, or if it is the first time that airing has shown in general syndication.

(To filter out for the latter issues, I often modify my passes to require a minimum season number.)

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I moved your thread to the right forum section Advanced Passes - Channels Community

You may want to look at the section, although some advanced pass questions are spread around the forum.


You created a new Advance Season pass and added all that and saved it. How do you use that? I created exactly that pass and noticed all sorts of stuff was going to record so I paused it. Do you keep that so you can see whats coming up on during primetime? -Bill

I might just change to new to original airdate >

originalairdate > 2023-01-01 gives me what I want. Want to rewatch shows since it has been so long since my Crime Dramas aired, I forgot where they ended lol. Actors/Writers Strike.

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I have enough tuners to cover the Prime Time OTA Channels ... multiple users in my household different taste so I record all New Shows other than NEWS. I like Crime Drama others like gameshows and Sitcoms.

Just as it describes: it records all new programs in primetime that air on channels 2, 6, 8, 32, and 712 every evening, except for "news" or "news magazines".

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