Pluto setup issues

No worries. If I ever decide to stop providing the service, I would be sure to find someone to pass it along to. It's pretty straight-forward.


No one is sure why you find it hard to use the search function either.

You could also invest a little time to become familiar with the forum structure.
If you look at the top of this topic web page you'll see it's in the Category Playground, subcategory Custom Channels.
If you click that Custom Channels link it takes you to a list of all the Topics in that category.
The first sticky Topic listed is what you were looking for.

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Yeah, I saw something called git hub for Pluto which was a waste of time. Most people don't know what Docker is.

Pluto for Channels is a third party project that makes Pluto TV channels work with Channels' Custom Channels feature, which is part of the product.

Pluto for Channels is not part of Channels, nor in any way is it inferred that it is. Without it, there would be no Pluto in Channels, as Pluto is not a supported source in Channels.


I got Pluto working and set it to record Stargate SG1/Atlantis/ Universe on the Stargate channel 280, but it's not working. There is episode information. Sanctuary works on the Pluto Sci Fi channel.

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There's an old corollary in computers that goes something like this:

"The quality of a tech support response is directly proportional to the quality of the tech support request."

'It's not working' doesn't give much to go on.

How did you come to the conclusion that what you expected to happen did not happen? Are there any lines in the logs at http://<DVR.IP>:8089/admin/log ? Do you see any messages for failed recordings at http://<DVR.IP>:8089/admin/dvr/jobs ?

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It's not working means. It's not working. Nothing is scheduled.

Okay, so you don't really want to find a solution, you just want to pitch a bitch or have someone magically solve your problems?

lol. this guy bitching in every thread like everyone is supposed to read his mind. @Richard_smith read the manual before you come here thinking everyone can read your mind or your logs.

Oh, so I shouldn't bitch because my server all of the sudden stops working and I have to re do everything. I'm paying for the most expensive service of this kind. I'll bitch if something doesn't work right. You can't just choose not to read my posts.

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No you shouldn’t. Not the way you’re doing it. This ain’t a Wendy’s pal.


bitch all you want, but do it with actual information instead of being butt hurt when you are called out for your crappy attitude.

Just to be clear the server has to be running to record shows. If you have your server set up on a device that shuts down regularly that could cause problems as the server may not restart automatically depending on your boot-up settings on the OS. As others have stated we are happy to help you figure out where things are going wrong but we may need more info to go off of.

In this particular case if the server shut down due to an error you can look for the error in the logs. If you are like me and don't really know what you are looking for in the logs they can also be submitted to support. You can submit logs by going to the web user interface and navigating to the support tab. Click on troubleshooting from the drop-down and scroll to the bottom of the page. Then click "Submit Diagnostic Logs". If successful you will get a message with a token like this: 7a0c46e4-45da-46b8-9acc-1b3ffda40667 which you can then also drop on this forum where one of the developers may actually be able to assist.

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Seems like you are the one with the attitude, with all the cussing and screaming. And the server shutting down was right in the middle of taking a screenshot to show what I mean. So yes they have something to do with each other.

In the future, showing us your pass settings would be helpful. Assume that no one has any idea what you are talking about and provide thousands of what you may consider unnecessary and obvious details.

Now, there is something I want to show you:

Notice that when I search for "Stargate" that there are two different listing for SG-1, and their art is two very different sizes. If I click on the first one, I can see this is showing episodes airing on OTA and TVE:

If I click on the second one, it shows episodes airing on Pluto (don't mind that my Channel numbers are different than yours; I've opted to ignore channel numbers from the m3u in order to avoid overlap):

"What gives?" you ask. Well, OTA and TVE are getting their guide data from Gracenote. Gracenote has a field for the Series ID, which it uses to identify the program. If I create a new Series Pass and click on the Advanced tab, I can see this is how it is set up by default:

However, if I do the same with the one airing on Pluto, it is totally different:

Instead, my Series ID is some type of Pluto identification.

Basically, OTA/TVE and Custom Channels are not currently not cross-identifiable, so as far as Channels is concerned they are two separate programs. Something to keep in mind in case you are trying to use the OTA/TVE identification to record from Pluto.

Next, you may also have noticed that in the Matches tab, there is no number showing. This is because I did not change any settings in the Simple menu and the default is "New". If I select "All Episodes", I now have 8 matches:

But you know, that Pluto ID is not reliable. They can change it at anytime; it is rather meaningless. So let's go a different route. Instead, let's change the Advanced settings to be "Title CONTAINS Stargate SG-1":

Wait a minute, now I have 35 matches! Why is that different? Well, now both the Pluto and the OTA/TVE programs match the criteria:

However, if they record, then they will still end up as two separate programs as described above. But maybe I only want the Pluto ones. In that case, I can put in additional criteria:

Without even officially adding the criteria, I can see the impact. In this case, back to 8 matches. But maybe I already have Season 1-4 recorded and just need everything after that. Well, I can also put in criteria to deal with that:

So you see, there are literally infinite reasons why you may not be recording. Without seeing what you have set up for a pass, we can't tell, but hopefully this provides you some direction to try to resolve your issue.


Bravo on an uber-detailed post.


Excellent post! I even learned something too with the different series ID.

Very well done! :sunglasses::clap:


I’m brilliant! I thought I’d be nice and jump in and try to help, but then I thought “Nope. Lost cause.” I astound myself.

He took over your old job! Haha.

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