How do you navigate to tabs in Guide?

In Guide I don't see a way to change focus to select between the categories of channels (All, HD Channels, SD Channels, Favorites...).

Press Menu and the sidebar is shown. I'm not finding a way to swipe to it.

In On Now, a single menu press takes me to the top tab bar but Guide does not work that way...

I'm running tvOS 14.3 18K561 and the current release Channels app.

What remote are you using? You can swipe left or press left from the guide.

Using the remote that came with the ATV 4K.

But you know when I tried it this morning i was able to swipe to the tabs.

Yesterday it was going back in time when I would swipe towards the catagories. Now it works.

I had just set this up again last night.

I think I recall now what happened. I scrolled forward a lot in the guide to try to find when the Daily Show returns. I assumed that the guide would snap back to present but I guess it maintains the scroll point for a while. I guess that is a feature.

So it seems there's no issue here....thanks