How do you update the tailscale version on the DVR integration

Ive noticed that tailscale has updated to version 1.4 on mac and ive updated accordingly. However on the tailscale admin console the channels dvr tailscale integration is showing version 1.36.2.

How does the integrated tailscale get updated on channels? Im on the latest prerelease.

I use both the built in CDVR tailscale and a separate tailscale on the same server for other use.

It's managed by us. We can update it for next prerelease.


Also, the iOS release version is now 1.42.0 ‎Tailscale on the App Store

Thanks, now at 1.42.0


Version 1.44.0 is now available

1.48 out please update soon.Says more stable.Maybe can get better throughput.Would be nice if you could force it to use direct connection instead of derp👍

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The person handling the updates will probably push it after testing etc.
You should be using the lastest pre-release version.


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Easy way to use 3rd party player like Tivimate without having to need a token👍
Works great cept for the derp relay servers will ruin the video with buffering.Nice using tailscale because no more codes with channels dvr but derp causes buffering on decent bitrate video.If you can force it to use direct with tailscale it would be Rock Solid.Just a thought.Tailscale is the weakest link in that chain.Direct connection is the way to go

I always run newest :blush::+1:

Is there any way the version of Tailscale can be under user control? It looks like updates are falling behind.

To have control over Tailscale versions, please use the Tailscale package provided by your OS.

Are you running into bugs that are resolved in newer versions? We update the embedded Tailscale version from time to time as we can and when we are trying to resolve bugs and issues.

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There are security issues that are often patched by the newest versions of Tailscale. It would be preferable that an option be available in the Channels DVR UI to enable "Update Tailscale to newest version upon server restart".



I got impatient with the lag in Channels DVR Tailscale updates so I did as @eric suggested.
Installed Tailscale on my Linux OS. Do that and you will get automatic updates to the latest version.
More like set it and forget it.

We follow up with every support request we receive to diagnose any issues with the DVR. We have not found any deflects in the version we are currently running and we are not aware of any security issues that have been fixed in the newer releases related to the way we embed Tailscale.

We will continue to update it from time to time as we are able to, but if you’re not happy with our strategy, please run Tailscale yourself.