How to access personal media folders from fancybits docker container on Synology

I am running the DVR from the fancybits container to allow my YTTV TVE to work, and that is working fine. But I have my personal media in a shared folder under /volume1, and Channels can't see that folder.

What do I need to do to allow access to it from the container?

If you installed the Channels DVR Synology package,
Add permissions to that shared folder so the Channels DVR user can access it.

If you're running Channels DVR in a docker container, you need to map a volume for that shared folder into the container, since Channels DVR can only see directories inside the container.

Thanks. I'm still new to docker, so the folder mapping wasn't jumping out at me as the issue. After mapping the folder it showed up in the container. It's working now.

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