How to add Channels DVR docker on Synology

Can anyone pinpoint me to the right direction in adding channels dvr via docker on my synology, I am getting this message.

Do you already have it installed as a Synology Package?

No, I can install it directly as a package but I have YTTV as a tve source and I read on the Channels community page that the only way to get YTTV working as a tve source is by using the docker method.

Not sure what the error is referring to. I don't use Projects, I do it the old fashioned way at the command line. I have my containers use a named bridge mode network instead of host mode.

I have the container manager on my synology, can you pinpoint me to install channels dvr via docker, thank you

You also need to map a volume where it stores the recordings.
Mine uses

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If you want to copy and paste, you'll have to modify for your installation
I'm sure you know that docker commands require sudo (root) priveledges

#create a user defined bridge network using Container Manager
cdvr-net subnet gateway

#create directory for executables using File Station

#create shared folder to store recordings in

#pull new TVE container for chrome v109
sudo docker pull fancybits/channels-dvr:tve

#create and run container channels-dvr
sudo docker run --detach --env TZ=America/Los_Angeles --name=channels-dvr --network=cdvr-net -p --restart=unless-stopped --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri --volume /volume1/docker/channelsdvr:/channels-dvr --volume /volume1/chDVRtve:/shares/dvr fancybits/channels-dvr:tve

#sudo docker run \
# --detach \
# --env TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
# --name=channels-dvr \
# --network=cdvr-net \
# -p \
# --restart=unless-stopped \
# --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
# --volume /volume1/docker/channelsdvr:/channels-dvr \
# --volume /volume1/chDVRtve:/shares/dvr \
# fancybits/channels-dvr:tve

Your compose yaml is not correct.

You are missing the top level services: element:


Add the top level services: element and indent the rest of your contents to the right.

I am getting this now, this is my yaml:

image: fancybits/channels-dvr:tve
container_name: channels-dvr
network_mode: host
- "8089:8089"
restart: unless-stopped
- /dev/dri:/dev/dri

  • /volume1/docker/channelsdvr

Try this. When copying/pasting, make sure to keep the indentations.

Make sure you've created these directories on your Synology first

Change the TZ= to match your time zone

    container_name: channels-dvr
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
    image: fancybits/channels-dvr:tve
    network_mode: host
      - 8089:8089
    restart: on-failure:10
      - /volume1/docker/channelsdvr:/channels-dvr
      - /volume1/chDVRtve:/shares/dvr

for /volume1/chDVRtve folder do I create that inside the /docke/channelsdvr folder or make its own folder?

Create it as a shared folder on your Synology

I think I got it,

Since you don't understand docker, you need to make sure you have the HOST directories created first and then make sure your volume mappings match them.

If you created this shared folder on your Synology for Channels DVR to store its recordings in
You need to map that in the yaml file

      - /volume1/docker/channelsdvr:/channels-dvr
      - /volume1/channelsdvr:/shares/dvr

The directories to the left of the colon are on your Synology

      - /volume1/docker/channelsdvr
      - /volume1/channelsdvr

The directories to the right of the colon are inside the docker container and you cannot change this one


It worked, thank you so much

One last question, how do I update channels with docker in synology, I still have the old style UI for settings

Same way you always did.
Check for Pre-Release
Screenshot 2023-10-28 at 13-37-33 Channels Settings

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I'm using Channels as we speak with YTT login details without an issue.
Make sure to use the pre-release version.

One last thing I have my existing server on a T5 ssd attached to my Pi4, I plug it in on my Synoology to restore it but can't find the volume of the external

I don't use a Pi and haven't attached an external SSD to my Synology.
Not sure what filesystem it uses.
Check the Synology Help on external drives.