How to delete a Label?

Thanks, per above I couldn't figure out how to get the trash. I didn't realized there were private API's. So I opened up a browser on my linux server where channels is running and then used the private API you mentioned above including the trash and I'm getting the 404 Not Found message. To make sure I didn't do a typo I cut/paste your post's url. Am I supposed to do something else to access the private API?

Replace with the IP address of your DVR server
Replace 8089 with the port it uses
It will return a json

Corrected my post. I forgot to add the /dvr/files
Was going from memory, but think I had a stack overflow there :smile:

Oh, then I would've thought that was the public API, I thought to access the private API I would've need to use the loopback address like you had in your url. I changed it to my server's IP and it worked. I didn't realize you had to use the server's network address.

I still don't see SSD anywhere. But I guess I should mention, my label was SSD in all upper case. In that debug output there is SSD but not in all upper case. That string exists in jpg and png filenames. So maybe the labels code is not case sensitive and if it finds that string anywhere it keeps it even though it's not a label and just in a filename?

Ah, I just saw your edit. :slight_smile: So it sounds like you don't have to be on the server itself for the "private" API since I used the corrected url on an external server and it works there too. :slight_smile:

Oh, BTW, thanks for the extra debugging information since I'm saving those urls for future reference!

I don't use all the features of Channels DVR, so not sure where a Label can be specified, besides a Movie.
Maybe Collections, Playlists, Smart Rules, Server Side Only (Hide/Allow Content) Settings, Automatic Tagging, etc. :man_shrugging:

Search the Support Articles for Labels

Yes, I've manually looked at everything you mentioned and anything else I can touch on channels and sadly I don't see it anywhere.

Per my last post I'm wondering if his code looks for that string anywhere and ignores case. If that is the case that is my problem since the SSD string is in some filenames in mixed case and I have a directory called Peacock so that label is in the path of many recordings but is not an actual label attached to anything.


Bingo you found it. Showing all groups does show that label. Since those shows have been deleted a long time ago and my trash has emptied how would I delete those entries with SSD in them? For example, in that output I'm seeing the following so since those shows have been long gone how would I get rid of these since I'm not sure how to look at a group in the web interface?

   "ID": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream",
   "Name": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream",
   "SeriesID": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream",
   "Image": "",
   "CreatedAt": 1717778656,
   "RecordedAt": 1717778656988,
   "UpdatedAt": 1723940122037,
   "Labels": ["SSD"],
   "Version": 2,
   "NumUnwatched": 0
   "ID": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With Love",
   "Name": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With Love",
   "SeriesID": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With Love",
   "Image": "",
   "CreatedAt": 1718788115,
   "RecordedAt": 1718788115834,
   "UpdatedAt": 1723940153527,
   "Labels": ["SSD"],
   "Version": 2,
   "NumUnwatched": 0
   "ID": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered",
   "Name": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered",
   "SeriesID": "Signed, Sealed, Delivered",
   "Image": "",
   "CreatedAt": 1717425532,
   "RecordedAt": 1723969157310,
   "UpdatedAt": 1724098361415,
   "Labels": ["SSD"],
   "Version": 2,
   "NumUnwatched": 0

You can't. I asked many years ago and nothing came of it.

Sigh OK, thank you @chDVRuser at least you found where the labels are and since I can't delete those groups in any way I'm back to the same conclusion that I'll have to look at those labels forever or reinitialize the DB which is not going to happen. :-/

Thanks again man, yet another great debugging command I can use in the future. You are a wealth of knowledge. :slight_smile:

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Great find. We’ll make sure we exclude these when populating the list of labels.

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Cool, thanks to you both!

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