If you do not have a use for a label any longer is it possible to delete it to clean up? I've done searches within the support articles, community, and using google but I just don't see any post/article referring to deleting a label.
Removing the labels from all content, will delete the label. But having labels you don’t use, doesn’t really hurt anything.
@maddox thank you. I totally understand having unused labels will not hurt anything but it's just nice to cleanup so when I go to apply a label I don't have to sift thru unused labels any longer. Thanks again!
Hey @maddox I have a label called SSD and it just won't disappear. I had it in a couple smart rule collections and removed the label from those rules.
I then created a new collection in Movies and in Shows (just in case) with a Smart Rule showing all items with the SSD label and in each case no movies or shows appeared. I then went thru every movie and show collection and reviewed the smart rules and to see if they had the SSD label but couldn't find it. I then regenerated the search index just in case that may help but the SSD label still exists.
Do you have any ideas on how I can find where SSD is being used since I assume it must be since the label still exists?
It has to be attached to something, labels don’t exist on their own. The list is formulated from all the content your library.
OK thanks. I'll keep looking and if I find it I'll reply here to possibly help out any others that are interested in deleting labels but having this kind of issue.
Not sure if the API & Feed Explorer would show Labels?
I just added a Label to an Imported Movie and the Label appears in the API & Feed Explorer
You could use the CSV output and import that into a spreadsheet
Thanks. I don't usually use the API & Feed Explorer. But I tried what you said and it doesn't show the label or other labels. But, I'm only using the Browser's find function to find it. I chose all recordings, watch/favorited/verified options but I noticed that in the JSON or CSV I can't find anything using the browser. Also, when I scroll down the JSON I don't see all my recordings. Just the most recent 100 or so recordings. Am I missing something on that page to select ALL my recordings and to search them all?
I just saw your edit and you mentioned placing the output into a spreadsheet which is great. But I need to include all my recordings and not just the last "N" amount of recordings.
Thank You! Yup that saved everything and I find all my labels except for the SSD one I'm looking for. Since I created that label a long time ago I'll wait for some natural DB rebuilds and cleanup that normally happens over the next couple days to see if that label does indeed finally disappear.
Thanks again, that is a great url/command I'll keep for future debugging!
But I'll keep looking around since maybe SSD is mentioned in some rule or whatever that isn't part of the CSV that was created.
If you want to see what shows the label ssd is attached to just go to server side only settings on a client and choose the allowed setting, and add the ssd label to it.
That client will only shows with that tag. All others will be excluded.
Thank you @Rice. I used @chDVRuser method to get all the information and it didn't show it on any recordings. It was easier for me to do it that way since I'm running on a linux server and I could grep that file or I can put it into a spreadsheet if needed for any other reason.
I noticed that the items in the Trash were not included in the csv discussed above. I tried different variations of the url specified above but couldn't get any information on the Trash items so it is possible (but unlikely) that something in the Trash could have that label. Also, I just noticed that I have another label "Peacock" that is still hanging around and there is nothing that has that label. I don't think I've used that label in many months so I don't think it's with something in the Trash. If the normal cleanup doesn't get rid of SSD and Peacock I may need to live with them since I can't find either one in any rule, collection, personal section.
It's 5 days later and both labels are still hanging around so I think I'm stuck with them. If they ever disappear I'll post here unless the topic closes.
Why don’t you just empty the trash and then check?
Sadly, I go into the trash multiple times so I hate to empty it. Although, to speed things so we don't have to wait 5 more days I just emptied the trash after looking at the most recent deletions to make sure we won't need them.
I monitored the log and it completed the deletions and the web interface says there is nothing left in the trash. I then stopped and restarted channels just in case a restart would clean anything up in the DB.
I then went into a collection and clicked on the "Labels" dropdown and I still see SSD and Peacock which are the only 2 labels that still remain that I wanted to delete.
I'm glad to try anything else or give you any other information to help troubleshoot this issue with these last 2 labels.
Have you tried DVR Web UI Settings > General > Library Database > Maintenance :gear: > Regenerate Search Index
Sorry, yes I should've mentioned that previously. I've ran that many times and I just ran it again since I didn't do it after emptying the trash. The labels are still there. I also, just used your API command to get all the recording info and I still don't see the labels in there.
The Public API doesn't include Trash.
This Private API doesn't include Trash
This Private API includes Trash