How to find Content IDs to create Stream Links

I can't find anything that explains how to find Content IDs to put in Stream Links. There must be instructions somewhere showing how to do this for the popular streaming services, but if there is I can't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Considering how much content I and others have created on this very subject, I find that very hard to believe. Here's a start (aside from what was already posted above, which is a very good source):

This is excellent info and the Streamlink knowledge base thank you for putting in one spot.

I understand get a show (nypd blue) to play then copy that link as a source ….

But ….

  1. what if it won’t play in a browser only an app..example HBO and Max opens max app and plays..

  2. how does one aquire the grid info to populate
    A) hbo stations (yes Hulu does great job but I need to pen in max app (subscription there ) and max app has no grid so I’m using Hulu info to populate grid but can get it to open max app (tried,

  3. similar question Peacock, I can get app to open but no populate grid with all channels..

Getting closer each time I spend more time…

Last question
Apps seem to open on iPad iPhone (17.1.2) but on Appletv nothing happens???? As far as opening app…

Thanks for the response and I apologize for my ignorance! I understand the file naming and file location conventions, but I don't understand how to get the unique identifier for a program to use in the URL. It looks like each target program has a unique Content ID assigned by the provider that I need to find, but I just can't figure out how to do it.

I was assuming there was a doc somewhere with step-by-step instructions that says something like, "To find The CONTENT_ID for an Apple+ program, do this", "To find The CONTENT_ID for a Netflix program, do that".

If you can point me to that, I think I could get going.

Thanks for your patience with a doofus.... :smile:

I think you just open the file you want to link to in your browser and that gives you the identifier part I believe. I don't use it often myself, but that seems to be what I remember doing before.

It should be detailed out in one of those links above provided by @babsonnexus

Yep, literally in the second one, then additionally detailed in the third. @clofback, if those step-by-step directions with screen shots aren't clear enough... :person_shrugging:t4: As has been thoroughly described, go to show/movie on website, copy whole address from browser address bar, paste entire thing in .strmlink file, save. That is it!

You have to get a link of some kind, that is just how deep linking in Android/Apple works. If you can't get one, then nothing can be done. AFAIK, every service has a website front end, but I don't have Max so can't say what it specifically looks like.

You seem to talking about the experimental Stream Links for the Guide. That is a different topic than this, although you seem to already be in that thread, so I'll leave your questions to be answered over there.

Now, Stream Link Manager for Channels is the one and only thing you need to handle all of this!

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