How to passthrough info in M3U playlist

I've created a bunch of custom channels from local area webcams. Creating them each as a custom channel passes through their name, the guide description, even a still image from each camera as the "icon". I didn't have to do anything for those to show up. When I created the individual channel, that simply flows through.


As I add more and more channels, it becomes very cluttered in my channels "sources" menu. Not to mention, it makes it more difficult to create channels collections from these sources.

I tried creating an m3u playlist of all of the URLs from my long list of individual channels, and I left off all of the description stuff on purpose, thinking it would flow through. My list works, but there's no descriptions, icons, etc. Is there any way to build an m3u list that will let all of this flow through automatically as it does when I create a single channel?

Example of one of my m3u entries for the same sample item above:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-number="226",Webcam

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The Kister method you’re using can support many instances of v=vid_id by combining them all with an ampersand symbol (&) into one long URL.

That’s all explained here: An easy way for Channels DVR to watch YouTube Live vids

This is how I’ve entered mine, all Kister method additions are in one Custom Channel. Entered as one URL source, instead of Text or File.

Thank you! Looks like I was making it much more complex than it needed to be!