I've hit "Click Here to Upgrade" and all it does is re-run the intensive testing and same results pop up?
I am unable to add Hulu as a source and this is the only issue I find on my Synology. I am considering moving my Channels server from native to Docker hosted on the Synology so the Chrome version can be updated.
I was able to use the "Click here to upgrade Chrome" with no problems on my Synology 220+ DSM 7.2-64561 the other day. Native, not Docker. Not bragging, just giving the specs on a system that it worked on.
A matter of note, it still didn't clear up "Blocked by Google: This browser or app may not be secure" error I get on only two channels. Fortunately those channels were BTN and FS1 and I am not big in to sports so I don't ever watch them anyway. And those work just fine through ADBTuner anway so not a particular issue for me.
Update pre-release
Add a new TVE source using a provider you don't have, like DISH or DirectTV or something.
Click and HOLD the Sign In button.
Check the DVR log for chrome version, should be 114.
2023/11/04 21:12:11.299968 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/114.0.5735.199 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@581ada08cf738a4eb44f712c6f8cd40030e5c1a0
2023/11/04 21:12:11.301323 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=114
Stop and Start the Synology package.
I would hold off on doing this until they fix this issue
Please try the latest pre-release to see if it is better.
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