How to view Personal Media on Channels app

I am running Channels on my Synology NAS. Everything's going well. I went under source and added my Personal Media folders, but where do I find them on the Channel App? (running on Apple TV) Do I have to add my Personal Media as a "Channel collection"? Where does it show up on the Apple TV App? I've looked everywhere and cannot find it. I've added the source, and it appears everything is set up correctly on the server, but I cannot see how to view them on the Channels app. Or is there an option I need to turn on in order to view it on the app?

Thanks in advance.

They appear in your library, mixed with recordings.

There is no real distinction in your library except for the fact that your personal media items that are imported don't have channels associated with them since they were not recorded on TV.

So look in your library in Movies and TV Shows and you should see them.

If you still don't see them, make sure they are saved correctly on the disk, the way that Channels expects:

And keep in mind that, by default, Channels checks for new personal media every 5 minutes.