How to view recordings remotely

I have 8089 fwded on my router. When I go to on my phone I get redirected to a long url and it simply fails. I tried this on Chrome and Safari.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Does show 8089 as open?

On the DVR web UI, click Support at the top right. Is everything marked green?

What failure message does the browser show when you say it fails.

Support on DVR web UI shows this:

Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid shows 8089 as open

I've generated a new domain for your account. Please turn remote access off and back on. Wait about 5 minutes and it should start working.

tried that. Still getting this.

Remote Access

Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid.

You will need to update your DVR by click-AND-hold on the Check for Update button.

ok, I see there is an update. I'll update as soon as my wife's recording is done.

Sorry to be a pain but I just can't make this work. I've updated the dvr. I switched off remote and then re-enabled it and waited 5 minutes. still get this:

Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid.

I've reset your domain, please turn remote dvr off, and back on again to see if this resolves the issue.

ok. I did that. Right after I did it the support tab still shows this:

Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid.

I'll wait 5 min and try again.

Please click Support > Submit Diagnostics if it is still not working.

submitted as 1f393ba1-0b73-47d5-8512-fee33b169519

Please click-and-hold to update to the new build, then submit diagnostics again if its not working.

Thanks It's working now.

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Great! Thanks for your patience.

Thanks for your perseverance :grinning: