Huh?!?! all the sudden getting a MacOS Firewall error

I opened the DVR in my browser this morning and I'm getting some error telling me to basically disable my firewall (see attached screenshot)

first of all, that's NEVER going to happen.

secondly, why am i getting this all of a sudden? i've not changed anything with my setup and i've never seen this before.

thirdly, is it the Firewall on the DVR host computer that Channels DVR is bitching about, or is it the Firewall on the laptop i'm using to connect to the DVR at the moment?

i haven't done much to resolve this other than to reboot the laptop i'm on. haven't touched the host DVR computer yet. i wanted to wait and get an official solution first, try it, and see if it in fact solves the problem.


This error applies to the DVR host, and is a new message added to the latest DVR version. It’s only supposed to show if the DVR is inaccessible, but since you’re accessing it from another laptop already it seems like there’s a bug.

Can you screenshot the Firewall settings tab and the Firewall options and send to [email protected]?

Also if you could attach this file it would be helpful:


I’m guessing there’s something slightly different on macOS 10.11 vs 10.13 where I did my testing.

done, thanks.

Thanks, that’s exactly what I needed.

If anyone else here has macOS 11.12 installed, please send me the same file and screenshots as well.

I found a 10.12 machine and was able to get the info I need. This issue is fixed for the next DVR build.