It is not going to work as Fox has disabled login by Providers so that anyone can watch.
These companies are so frustrating sometimes. If they are blocking pirating, its one thing. But blocking paying customers is what causes people to just go to pirating. Nothing new though, they all seem to do this stuff from time to time. I'm sure its not an accident to do it right before the Super Bowl.
I like to use it and then start a little later and skip commercials and half time to finish at the regular time without all the crap. Hulu can be tricky to do that and they sometimes force you to watch the commercials.
They are not blocking anything anyone can watch it ... it is just that TVE requires a provider login. I am watching on FOX Sports in 4K no login required.
Same issue with DirecTV now using TVE....403 error
Please try the latest build.
I'm pretty new to Channels DVR. How do I try the latest build? When I "Check for update" it says I'm current with the last official build.
Try this:
I posted in the other thread - not fixed
Didn't work for me. Still getting [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6002: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden Toggled Experimental TVE locals and lost Fox channel 6002. Logs have been submitted as a267f711-dbca-410c-a203-c85542580dd0 Trying to individually rescan channel 6002 shows this error InvalidAccessTokenKeyId: Invalid AccessToken Key Id (403)
Thanks eric. Just did that and tried to get the recording again but am getting the same error as chDVRuser. FWIW, I am attempting via TVE and YouTube TV.
Works for me too! Thanks!!!
I still get the "Invalid AccessTokenKeyId" error. I have YouTube TV. Anything else I should try?
Can you try the new build?
Working for new too.
Currently getting "fox content missing" after upgrading.
2023/02/13 07:57:33.974169 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-ATT ch6002 WAGA: TVE: fox content missing
This is extremely frustrating

Currently getting "fox content missing" after upgrading.
Me too. I'm on YouTubeTV.
[edit]. Using 2023.13.0044
v2023.02.13.1657 Remove hacks used for Fox superbowl website changes
This version fixed the lost Fox 6002 channel.
Still not working for me (YTTV).
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