Hulu live (or dead?)

Hi, I am new to the forum so try not to beat me up to much.
I bought Channels DVR to use the TVE for Hulu Live but as I have seen by reading this forum that there has bee a lot of problems with it.
Currently I've tried to add Hulu as a source but my chrome browser keeps timing out and it never gets to load the source. I've checked the troubleshooting in the support section and everything looks good. I feel like it's a problem with my browser (Chrome) but I do not know what it could be. I've uninstalled the browser and the ChannelsDVR software and still no go. I have changed my password mulitple times and still no go. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Can you take a screenshot after the timeout? You can open 2 dvr tabs, one tab on the add source section and the other tab on the support >logs section. Try to add the source and make note of any scanning progress or errors in the log.

Sorry for the delay did not expect such a quick response. Will get that info now.

I have noticed a couple

  1. I can log into hulu through the web site
  2. I can log into hulu through web app
  3. I can log into hulu via PlayOn Home App
  4. When I try to add hulu to ChannelsDvr tve It hangs then send verify code to email.
  5. There is no place to put the code on the screen, so chrome times out.
  6. I have tried all the comminations of opening and closing different videos online
  7. I have changed my password numerous times

Here is my error log:
2025/03/13 05:41:55.675944 [TVE] Auth starting for Hulu as
2025/03/13 05:42:01.340475 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Hulu requestor=nbcentertainment
2025/03/13 05:42:02.987052 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/134.0.6998.89 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@b623489a994ecb8df7381fcceb54cfd3aafc9c3c
2025/03/13 05:42:03.053732 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=134
2025/03/13 05:42:03.056314 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2025/03/13 05:42:03.068528 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2025/03/13 05:42:03.068528 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameStartedNavigating
2025/03/13 05:42:03.363850 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url= redirected_from=
2025/03/13 05:42:03.363850 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2025/03/13 05:42:03.638328 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2025/03/13 05:42:04.951003 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameStartedNavigating
2025/03/13 05:42:04.951003 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameStartedNavigating
2025/03/13 05:42:10.953330 [TVE] action=page_ready
2025/03/13 05:42:10.953330 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2025/03/13 05:42:10.953330 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=12s
2025/03/13 05:42:10.953330 [TVE] action=fill_form
2025/03/13 05:42:10.956024 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="huluLogin: found username"
2025/03/13 05:42:11.710127 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameStartedNavigating
2025/03/13 05:42:16.632066 [TVE] action=page_ready
2025/03/13 05:42:16.632066 [TVE] action=check_result
2025/03/13 05:47:02.939618 [TVE] action=screenshot
2025/03/13 05:47:02.939618 [TVE] action=screenshot err=Chrome timeout
2025/03/13 05:47:02.939618 [TVE] action=capture_html
2025/03/13 05:47:02.939618 [TVE] action=capture_html err=Chrome timeout
2025/03/13 05:47:03.175584 [TVE] Auth failed for Hulu: Chrome timeout
2025/03/13 05:47:15.600468 [TRS] DNS: OK: Using public DNS resolver from "Cloudflare, Inc." can cause problems with TV Everywhere
2025/03/13 05:47:15.600468 [TRS] DBG: Provider: "Cloudflare, Inc." (CLOUD14) from

How do I add a picture to this forum?

Your user may be too new to post pictures.

Are you running your server on a NAS? You also might try changing your DNS back to your ISP provided instead of Cloudfare. It’s usually not a good sign for Hulu when their system isn’t trusting your machine and sending codes. I use Hulu and it doesn’t ask for the code.

Also make sure you are running the latest prerelease server version by selecting the drop-down.

Here is the snap shot also no idea on how to change from Cloudfare???

I am running the newest pre-release of channels and I am running it on a windows 11 pc.

I googled cloudflare and to my knowledge I have not set that up and can not find anything on my pc that would indicate that it is running. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Thanks for your help!

Here is a guide from a quick search. Click here

Choose automatic instead of manual. Run the dvr troubleshooting again and if it still shows cloudfare for dns you may have to change the settings in your particular router.

Unfortunately some people have this problem with trying to add Hulu as a source and some people don’t. Many end up ditching Hulu for another provider. If changing the dns server doesn’t help you might leave it alone for a few days and then change your password and immediately try to scan it in channels. You can also submit diagnostics from the support troubleshooting section and post the alphanumeric number along with your issue in an email to support. While this forum is helpful for many things it is not the official channel for support even though the devs post frequently. Email is.

Thanks for all your help, tried changing the dns and it didnt change anything.
It's funny, I tried loading channels on a different pc and I got different results. it
still fails but it says my Chrome is currupted but it isnt. Ive reinstalled it just in case
but same results. I really just having bad luck with this. Makes me want to change
providers, but I bought channels specificly to get hulu.
Oh well, Thanks again for all your help

Hulu is one of those providers that gives people a bad time trying to make TVE work. I'd pivot to another provider like YTTV, DTV or NowTV or Sling which usually doesn't have the insanity that Hulu does