Hulu Live TVE

My Hulu TVE quit working. Trying to re-add the source and I can't get past the email verification. Is there a trick to get this to work?
I'm ready to just cancel Hulu.

I don't use Hulu, but while you're waiting for an answer, here are some recent posts on the issue and the Official Hulu TVE topic

I eventually got it to work.
Logged in using chrome incognito mode. Made me change password even though there was nothing wrong with the one I had. When it sent me the link to change the password, I copied the link and pasted it in the same incognito window. Then I went to in the same window and linked the account. Then I added Hulu to channels and it scanned.

Afterwards I added unlimited screen to my account. Which may, or may not help.

If this comes back, or gets worse, I'm going to move along to something else. It's not worth the headache.

You said it.

Somehow it seems the devs need to figure out a way to handle the CAPTCHA issue or Channels will start losing its appeal.
Which would be so sad.

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Yep, I'm pretty well done too...have been using Hulu Live off and on but have always had trouble with dealing with the login and Channels' inability to cope with 2FA which industry standard at this point. Tried Youtube TV and all the methods listed to make that one work fail now also. Pretty much over it with Channels.

Actually, now that I realize I am having to use my HDHomeRun app directly to be able to use the ATSC3 channels AND essentially none of the options for TV Everywhere are being properly supported, I'm out. See ya Channels. It was nice while it lasted but you have to keep up with technology. You can't just put out a product and expect it to last without updating it.

Well I'm not throwing in the towel quite yet.
The two providers I have both still work... crossed fingers, plus HDHR for nbc, locals.
Channels is about the greatest app I have used in quite some time and I hope the devs can figure out 3 things
to keep it going:
DRM, Captcha, 2FA

Hulu TVE quit working again after a few days.
I have canceled Hulu.

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