As the title says, i’ve been using a second Gen ATV 4K for a few years now and have enjoyed using Channels.
Could someone explain to me what I will need to do after I take my current ATV out and replace it with the new one? My memory’s pretty bad, and I literally don’t remember the steps I took when I set this up.
I have channels set up on an older Mac mini.
I struggled setting that up until you guys walked me through it. So I guess I’m just wondering if somebody could run through set up again using my newest Apple TV.
Also, I plan to take my current gen 2 ATV 4K and use it on a bedroom tv. That tv currently uses a Gen 1 ATV4K that has channels on it, but will be given to my daughter to use strictly as a streamer.
Anything I should do with the Gen 2 going to the bedroom tv set up wise or just plug and play ?
Thanks in advance…
You need to install the Channels app from app store or test flight.
If it doesn't find your DVR automatically, you need to know the DVR IP.
Well, I’m glad it won’t be a problem doing this.
Thank you for being quick with the reply. The memory thing with me is getting a little worrisome.
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