I wish it would show Description for shows playing on time shift!

5 hours..... still working perfectly!!!
This feels so right! It's awesome!

Thanks so freaking much for doing this.
This is such a big improvement!

I'll keep monitoring it...

Thanks thanks thanks n thanks.
You're awesome!

Still working flawlessly!

I'm not sure if this is connected to this fix at all. But.....
When I was watching a very long buffer, it would always eventually stop showing the name of the show, and the little thumb images, on the Bottom box (the one with the time buffer). But now it seems to be working correct for the first time.

I didn't bother mentioning this issue. Cause it only happen when I had a VERY long buffer. And at that point I was always ready to restart it anyway...
But y looks like that stopped happening now too.
I had like a 18 hour buffer, still showing perfect show data, and the bottom box still showing image and show names.

The best just became even better!

Yes that was related to the same bug. Glad it's all working now.

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That's awesome! So that's fixed as well. Wow.

This is freaking amazing!
I could now for the first time ever keep my buffer going for days, cause it worked just as good as in the beginning! Nothing craps out! IT'S AWESOME!!

I hope you figured it out?

No....needed to do more testing. I don't believe it's related to this change but is inherent in the base server/client (my deleted post was about the timeshift buffer getting out of sync with the 'live' view)

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What client are you using? Android?

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Client: Android TV 11....Shield Pro Experience 9.1
Server: Windows 10

I also have my server on a Win 10 PC. With Android clients.
I'm not noticing any issues with the time shift.
Although I'll be honest, I don't fully understand the issue you're having. Time buffer not lining up with live view??
I'm not understanding the issue.
But like I said, I'm watching on time shift all the time, and I haven't noticed ANY issues.

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I'm trying to come up with a way to reproduce it reliably. I think it may be triggered when a channel has been viewed for a while (accumulating a buffer), then changing channels and immediately, returning back to the original channel. What happens is that the timeline shows the marker at the current time, but what is playing is sometime back in the buffer, which still exists. None of the controls to move within the buffer work.

That's definitely a error, it's supposed to delete the buffer as soon as you switch channels.
Which it does, cause you said when you come back it plays live. Cause buffer is gone. But somehow your system is stuck in thinking there is still the buffer.

I've never noticed this exactly.
But, when I run a buffer very very long, like after a day or 2, it will happen kinda similar, it would play live, the buffer still showing, but I can't move in it.
But all I do then to correct it. Is exit to the guide, and tune to the channel again. Then it would be a clear new buffer starting.

In my case there really still is a buffer there. It doesn't need to be real large, a 1/2 hour. It shows on the timeline, but the pointer into the buffer seems to be corrupt. It's playing in the past event even though the buffer pointer is at the end at the current time.

That's kinda how it behaves after days of buffering. Never had it happen in such a short time as yours though

How come there is a Apple logo at the buffer protection settings? It works perfectly on android!
I use it on android, i tried changing the duration. Works perfectly.

A post was split to a new topic: Wghst is this graphical glitch?

Hey there.
It's been a while.... This issue of this thread I considered accomplished, and closed.
But lately a little issue, related to this feature, has been bugging me and annoying me more n more with time.
Let me explain.
So the feature added here was the show the quick guide data for the show currently watching, so when watching on time shift, it's not showing what's live, but rather what's now playing...
I love it. I was really proud that I helped make this happen. I've been watching TV daily since, only through Channels, and always on a LOOOOONG time shift. So it's been awesome having show descriptions...
But the little annoying bug is, that say I watch tv and like 3 hours pass where maybe 5 different shows have played, but I didn't pull down the quick guide the whole 3 hours, now after 3 hours and many different show changes, if I pull down the quick guide, the box with show image, shows the correct current playing show image, but the description banner beneath it, will show the description for the show that was on last time I pulled the guide down over 3 hours ago. Any movement, right, left, etc will refresh and now show correctly current playing show data. But on first pull down it's the old data from the last time 3 hours ago. It's a refresh issue obviously, but it's the exact same behavior on both different Android boxes, Fire TV app, PC server. All act this way. So it's not my box doing something wrong.
Can you please look into this. See if you can reproduce the issue?
If you need any more info, please ask.

You TOTALLY fixed it didn't you?

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Not yet but I'll try to reproduce soon

Nooo? Funny, one of my boxes of acting as it should now
It will probably do it again if you didn't fix it yet.
Please let me know if you could reproduce it. I'm curious if it's something on my end
