Imported Content Not in Library

Do they show up in the DVR web UI under DVR > Manage > Unmatched?

Don't know, other than it can't get details about the file.

In the past there were issues with MPEG-4 (.mp4/.m4v) containers; are you using the latest pre-release version of the DVR? Also, what OS is your server running on, and which filesystem is the drive hosting your imports formatted as?

Thank you. They are indeed in the unmatched folder.

Channels is finding all of my other content in an external drive just fine - but not personal videos. I have tried everything I can think of to get this to work. I have tried putting content in a folder called "Home Movies" under "Videos" - everything. I tried putting the content on my hard drive. I tried putting the content in the "Channels" folder. Nothing works. Super frustrated. Plex has a lot of issues but this is not one of them. Should not be this hard.

Videos need to be grouped into individual folders to be scanned in. You might be just pointing at a folder full of videos, which will not work.

You need to organize them as Video Groups with folders.

Ie, Concerts, Home Videos, Vacation Videos, etc.

This should have worked. What are the file name extensions of your videos?

What I learned is - everything had to be under a folder called "Videos." That fixed it. By "everything" - I mean - I have two sub-folders under "Videos" - so "Home Movies" and "Music Videos." What I was trying to do before was point directly to the "Home Movies" and "Music Videos" folders. Which doesn't seem unreasonable. But at least it is working now.

Yes, you can't just point your video imports at a single directory full of videos. It should be a directory of directories, just like TV shows.

Import: /Videos

/Videos contents:

/Videos/Home Movies