Importing Custom Sources by Channel Name

When importing custom sources, would it be possible to have an option to sort by channel name so that when applying a channel number, it comes across in a somewhat logical order.

I currently specify a channel range in Channels, i.e. 9000 and when it imports, it will often take the channels out of alphabetical order. If there was a quick way to re-number channel sources alphabetically after would be great as well. Channel collections, while great, aren't an ideal solution to teach older grandparents to flip back and forth between.

Channels can be listed alphabetically by their callsign in the Channels app.

You can set this in the app or for all clients via server side settings.

Also, consider looking at Channel Collections for making your own groups of channels to make finding them easier.

Fair enough, my channel sources are grouped by numbers and it makes it easier to jump between when each group is split up.

Regarding Channel Collections, I've wiped out all my old collections, custom channel sources are started over. Now when I create a collection, choose from Custom Source 1, choose a few channels and click add. It pulls channels from Custom Source 3. If I select Custom Source 1 and choose add all, it adds them all from Custom Source 3.

Wiped sources and colllections and tried again... same result. It takes the highest number custom channel source (i.e. 4 custom sources, it ALWAYS pulls from custom source #4).


Do you have unique channel-id tags for each stream in your sources? Not having unique channel-ids can cause odd things to happen when trying to select the channel for use in Collections, or with guide issues.

I believe that was the case. Fixed and seems to have resolved issue.