Importing HDHomeRun DVR Directories

Hi there @tmm1 ... just wanted to check back in on this. I know you're busy, but wondering if any progress was discovered?

Nothing yet, sorry. It's on my list.

OK thanks! Just checking in :slight_smile:

Please try the latest pre-release. After upgrade, trigger Scan Sources, then submit diagnostics.

This issue is similar to Local Content Not Working on a Shared Drive on QNAP so hopefully the fix there also applies here.

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@tmm1 Hello! It appears to be working! I just updated to 2022.01.10.1847 and hit "Scan Sources" like you said, and now it's scanning the folder. Based on what I'm seeing in the log, it's properly importing everything. I'll circle back if there are any issues. Thank you!!

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@tmm1 Happy to report that this is solved... the fix you rolled out allowed those HDHomeRun DVR shows to populate into Channels perfectly! THANK YOU!