Local Content Not Working on a Shared Drive on QNAP

It works from the QNAP server but I still cannot get to a shared mount on my QNAP server with local content.

Logs submitted: 05b21ade-e6d8-40a5-8ac6-ff82cbd97b92

Huh. What exactly are you trying to do, and what happens when you try it?

I mounted a wdmyCloud drive to my QNAP server where Channels is running. When channels scans the mount, it gets the following error:
2022/01/08 08:57:34.850212 [ERR] Scanner error walking /share/wdmycloudMovies: path removed while scanning.

Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

Done. 0bb2f54c-c5f9-4b43-a000-c6e5beb59b2c

Thanks. Can you ssh into the NAS and run this, then paste the output here?

ls -alh /shares

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Thanks. I think I understand what's going on. Will work on a fix.

A similar issue was discussed in Local Content source added to Channels DVR Server is not displayed in Android Channels app - #29 by gabefrost and we made some improvements since, but they're not fully fixing the problem yet.

I appreciate that. Thanks!

Please try the new build and resubmit diagnostics after rescan sources

That worked!! Thanks for jumping on this!

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Great. Please submit diagnostics so I can confirm its doing what I asked it to

It's 862891cb-7960-4ae5-85d0-40b7d3516019

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Wonderful, looking good!

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