Imports Directory in DVR Recordings Folder

What is the purpose of the Imports directory in the DVR Recordings folder? I see it has both Movies and TV sub-folders. Can I add episodes to these directories to have then show up in the Library?

Thanks, I know about that. But what is the Imports directory used for in the Recordings Directory.

Yes its a folder that's setup automatically so you can drop things in without having to configure any sources.


What triggers the DVR to scan the contents of the /Imports directory? I put movies in the /Imports/Movies folder and sometimes it shows up in the DVR UI library and sometimes not. I have tried waiting, restarting DVR but it does not seem to update.

It will scan every 5 minutes, IIRC. Or, you can manually scan from the web UI: Settings > Local Content > Maintenance > Scan Sources.

That was the first thing I tried. It did not remove the item from being shown in the library even though the file was pulled from the Imports directory.

BTW, I'm running beta DVR vers. 2021.12.28.0159

I thought you were asking about getting content in, not out. In that case, what you want is the Prune Deleted option, which does exactly that: prunes entries from the Library that are no longer present on disk.

Thank you. I understand how this works now. I could have been clearer.

Someone already answered oops.