Improve UX when editing a channel in a long list

I currently have 30+ virtual channels defined. With a list that long, editing one of the "bottom" channels is currently a bad experience because I have to scroll the list to the bottom, click it, but then scroll back up to edit its details.

It would be better if you applied position: sticky to the containing .card element for the form.

Here's an example: CleanShot 2023-07-14 at 19.02.45 · CleanShot Cloud

Work is being made to make things better in this area.


thats great news! Virtual channels is a hidden gem of Channels that sets it apart from all other software.

More refinement, including more in-depth channel lineup options, would make it a defining feature.

Agreed, actually Virtual Channels is the only thing I use Channels for, and it's great for it already, I just hope it continues to see improvement, which it sounds like it will.

posted for comedic effect

This would be great!

Here's the custom CSS I'm using in the meantime:

#content .container-fluid .col-12 .card {
    position: -webkit-sticky !important;
    position: sticky !important;
    top: 25px;