In progress comskip scanning

I’m not sure live viewing of a show that’s not being recorded really falls within the scope of this discussion?

I mean, what’s the point of comskip scanning if you’re viewing it live? You can’t skip into the future.

Well, if you've got a program on pause and your buffer is filling up, say maybe 60–90 minutes, then when you go back to resume the buffer it will have its commercials marked. (That's how it works in MythTV, and SageTV, too, I believe.)

I can see the benefit for such a feature for long programs, events, games, movies, etc., and often I will tune a channel and put it on pause so I can skip through commercials, resuming playback after half of the program has aired. Implementing a live commercial detection in this manner is no different doing it for in-progress recordings, with the added benefit of not having to delete the program after you're done.

Ah I see. More like watching on delay than live. Yes, I can see the benefit in that scenario. I guess in some senses, that is a recording, just not one being permanently saved?

Yes, and as @racameron pointed out it would be much trickier since the live TV buffer is on the client and the server can’t access it. I think lots of us would be very pleased with the option of having comskip triggered if an in-progress recording starts being viewed.

I wonder if there could be an option that if the client is on the same network that the buffer is on the server instead of stored on the client. I can see why this wouldn’t be good with a remote device, but locally the lag shouldn’t be too bad and if it were an option we could always change that if the lag was too bad.

Yea! :clap:

Very excited to see how this shakes out. Been waiting almost five years :joy:

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Yes! Start scan when you start watching.

Credit where it's due, I think it was @tmm1 who suggested it :slight_smile:

This has been discussed in depth in the past. There would be some advantages to having the buffer on the server (and some disadvantages). Regardless, it’s a major change to the code base so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Why must someone always sidetrack discussions of this by detouring to watching live TV. I'm pretty sure the people asking for this are concerned with watching recordings that are still in progress.

Because technically, scanning a stream while it is recording and scanning it while it is streaming live to a client are essentially the same thing.

The only way the two topics become different and separate is if you want to have the overhead of kicking off a fresh scan every X minutes against the recorded portion. There are two different approaches to the same task, and one of the approaches will work equally well against live TV as it does for in-progress recordings. So, since one technique encompasses both situations, live TV is relevant.

Having recently moved here from Windows Media Center, in progress commercial skipping is the one feature I miss the most. Being able to join a recording in progress of sports, news etc. is incredibly common in my household and automatically skipping the commercials while the recording in progress would be a huge plus.

I agree that commercial skipping a live channel is useful, but it would also be relatively easy for someone to start recording an in progress show (moving the buffer to the DVR) if they wanted to enable commercial skipping. Yes, they need to delete the recording at the end (or wait for it to be deleted automatically), but is that really that hard?

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Yes, I agree. It isn't really that much more difficult to start a recording vs pressing pause.

Anyone who uses an SSD with Channels will heartily disagree with this. The big difference here is storage usage on the DVR. Live TV, right now, uses basically nothing on the DVR side, strorage-wise.

I've lived on both sides of this, though - i think my preference would be to keep commericial skipping on in-progress recordings and leave live TV alone. I can see both sides here, though.

so, I ask, HOW do you do this? for one program? ABC news for us is very poor with ad skipping... thank you

Find the recording on the web UI and click Redetect Commercials.

For that to work you need to make changes to the INI ... or else you might wind up with only half the show comskipped.

live_tv=0 ; set to 1 if you use parallelprocessing and need the output while recording

live_tv=1 ; set to 1 if you use parallelprocessing and need the output while recording

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Doesn't work if all you have access to is the TV.

If you watch TV without a phone or tablet at hand... bless you.

To follow up on this point with a real-world example:

I just pressed the Pause button on my live stream because my mother called. While I was only expecting a brief call to discuss a simple matter, the reality was that our call lasted nearly an hour. This resulted in the same situation as those wanted to skip through recordings-in-progress: wishing to pass over the junk to get back to the content that I was interrupted from viewing.

Instead of being able to double-press Right to gloss over each ad break I now need to pay attention to the screen to back up when I've advanced too far.

In short, the reality and implementation is the same. Just because your viewing habits do not align with mine does not mean my use of a feature is less worthy than yours.