Incorrect glyphs on recording programs

I’ve noticed regularly as of late that the channels Apple TV app when left running will often show incorrect glyphs for programs that are currently recording.

Sometimes the recording glyph is shown for a program that has completed recording. Today I noticed that the recording completed / I watched glyph (an empty green circle) was shown for a football game that was still recording. Killing the app and reopening it displayed the correct glyph.

Has anyone else seen this?

I sure do and it is really annoying. I've noticed I can sometime get the glyphs to update by scrolling away from the program so it slides out of view, then scroll back and it has updated. I'm not sure when I started seeing this. Maybe around tvOS 17 update? I was running tvOS 17 beta so it may have started then.

I’m not running a beta but I do have the release tvOS 17.0 on all my Apple TVs

I saw a similar “failure to redraw UI parts” issue the other day with the following (rough from memory) repro:

  1. Record football game with an extended recording time of 1h
  2. Watch game to end while still recording
  3. From show details screen, select stop recording.

Stop recording button changes to Delete recording


After waiting about 10 seconds the stop recording button still said stop recording. I pressed it again and the show deleted. Clearly, the recording had stopped, the button function switched to delete, but the UI of the button didn’t update.