Increase M3U update frequency

Could the awesome squad please consider increasing the frequency to able able to refresh the Custom Channels m3u reload/refresh? I'm using a flat file, even the ability to detect changes would be OK. Something like 1, 2 or 3-4 hours would be ideal. The source requires a token update or the m3u is broken until I manually reload it. This makes it unusable for DVR purposes

Thank you in advance!!

curl -XPOST http://x.x.x.x:8089/providers/m3u/sources/(M3U-NAME HERE)/refresh
Put this in a .bat file or python script to run as often as you need.

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Thanks for your help! I tried creating a batch file with this inside.

curl -XPOST

it just says false. is this the correct syntax?

@echo -------------------------------------------------
@echo Start %date% %time%
curl -XPOST
goto start

This is the bat file I use. test3 is the name of the of the source in channels not the actual m3u file. It will send the command every 3 hours minus 1 minute. It worked fine when I was testing it. I stopped using it when I incorporate it in a python script.
The curl command and the http url are part of a single line in the file


Does this mean it'll update in another 3 hours 1 minute? The false below the URL kind throwing me off.


Token just expired so I can verify it did not work.

I am browsing to and nothing comes up? I try redacting all the way up to providers (ie: and get 404 errors. I feel like I am still missing something.

It would be easier to click the reload M3U button on the web UI then look at the browser developer network console to see what the correct URL is.

Using tmm1 suggestion I found the correct URL for the curl PS did not include /refresh - This was my problem. Removing it , I was able to successfully refresh the source and do so from PowerShell via a schedule of my own design. Thank you all.

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Well , I was wrong. Feeds still not be updating. Back to the drawing board...

The /refresh is definitely required.

When I plop the URL into my browser I get a 404 page. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I used the dev tools to pull that exact link per your instruction.


Try using a command line client, and using the POST method; web browsers use GET when you use the address field.

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Tried that just now. I got

curl: (5) could not resolve proxy: post

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If you're on windows, make sure you use curl.exe not curl.

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I get the same results with and without curl.exe

curl.exe post
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: post
404 Not Found

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You have to use -XPOST like in all the examples above.

I've tried that too , with that I get

curl.exe -xpost
curl: (5) Could not resolve proxy: post

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Doesn't match what I pasted. -X is not the same as -x and POST is not the same as post.

       -x, --proxy [protocol://]host[:port]
              Use the specified proxy.

       -X, --request <command>
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Your capitalization is wrong. These details matter.

I think that was it..... bloody hell. Thank you all. I'll let you know.