"Inherit Source Priority" shows disabled sources at the top of the list

This is a minor issue but under Server Side Only > Sources, I have 13 sources "selected" (i.e. enabled) and 10 sources "available" (i.e. disabled.) On the webUI, I adjusted the priority so the enabled sources would be in the preferred order. However when I add the toggle for Server Side Only > Inherit Source Priority, and then go check this list on the tvOS and iOS client devices, all of the disabled sources show up on the top of the Sources list. Underneath them, is my list of enabled sources, in order. I'd obviously prefer the disabled sources to show on the bottom of the list, to match how I arranged them on the webUI, or better yet, not be shown at all, because I was hoping to disable them.

If the next question is "why not just remove those disabled sources entirely from the DVR" the answer is because these are custom channels, livestreams, experiments, 24/7 webcams and other seasonal things I tinker with from time to time. If we could could just disable sources temporarily or otherwise with a toggle in the webUI that would be ideal. If not, at the very least the priority and enabled/disabled state should sync because that's what the settings and descriptions lead me to expect. Thanks for your time!

There is a definte problem between those 2 settings. My clients will randomly display sources out of order. I have to play with these 2 settings by turning them off and on to get the source priority to be correct. It's almost like these 2 settings conflict with each other

I noticed the priority in the dvr settings (/settings) doesn't seem to reflect reality.
On all four of my servers there are source devices in there that are long gone.
If you click Adjust Priority, then Save, at least the priority numbers are updated in /settings.

Look in /settings for device.priority.DEVICENAME like
device.priority.M3U-Pluto "1"

Example from one server that has 3 sources
device.priority.1323AADB "1" DOESN'T EXIST
device.priority.M3U-LIVGolf "2" DOESN'T EXIST
device.priority.M3U-fakeCANARY "2" DOESN'T EXIST
device.priority.M3U-frndlyTV "5" ACTUAL SOURCE
device.priority.M3U-frndlyTVNoEpg "2" ACTUAL SOURCE
device.priority.M3U-getTV86444 "3" DOESN'T EXIST
device.priority.TVE-Comcast_SSO "4" ACTUAL SOURCE

After clicking Adjust Priority and Save
device.priority.1323AADB "1"
device.priority.M3U-LIVGolf "2"
device.priority.M3U-fakeCANARY "2"
device.priority.M3U-frndlyTV "3" ACTUAL SOURCE
device.priority.M3U-frndlyTVNoEpg "1" ACTUAL SOURCE
device.priority.M3U-getTV86444 "3"
device.priority.TVE-Comcast_SSO "2" ACTUAL SOURCE

NOTE: In /settings, higher numbers are higher priority

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