Interesting Docker for Wyze Cameras ... HLS + RTSP

GitHub - mrlt8/docker-wyze-bridge: WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container


I use this and it's great btw....I love that I have separate channels in the guide for viewing. The webviewer is also really nice that can stream all cams at once

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Is there a way to have Channels Record Continuously like if I am away for a day ... Can I set a Pass to record all day ?

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Pet Camera" channel-number="1.1",Pet Camera

Hum...that I have not tried as I have SD cards in all my cams but will give it go....

I tried to setup a pass to record all Instances .. but as you see by my screenshot it will only record one 1 hour instance.

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I just set one up and yes, it will record 24/7 ... I just selected the channel for the cam, keep ALL and Limit = no limit

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Thanks that works ... Now I can retire the Synology surveillance.


Not sure if it's possible to disable commercial detection as that will run after every hour so lots of processing. Maybe someone else can chime in...

Going to try this ...
Commercial Skip - Turn off for Channel - Channels DVR - Channels Community (

curl -XPUT

Why is this in this thread what does it have to do with Channels DVR ? All it does it clutter up the thread.

This is awesome! I've wanted to do something like this for quite some time. I've also run the curl command to stop the comskip from working on my camera recordings. Is there another command that will remove the recordings from the up-next section?

I am not sure about that is each hour is its own recording. Which I like ... I just wish there was a way to group them together then I can disable the group from up next.

In your M3U you can use tvc-guide-placeholders="86400" to make it use one entry per day (instead of one entry per hour).

Then it should record 24 hours at a time into one recording as one show. In that show's settings you can disable comskip.

Thanks that helps a lot ...

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Office Camera" channel-number="1.1" tvc-guide-placeholders="86400",Office Camera

Thanks tmm1 and Edwin_Perez! I think I've got this configured as I want with 1 24 hour recording per day and keeping 10 "episodes" for each of my Wyze cameras. I think 10 days of history will be more than enough.

Edwin, your M3U is much cleaner than the one I had. Just updated with the channel-id, channel-number and the rtsp URL for my cameras.

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