Interesting MiniPC with Linux

Excellent. Thanks again for clarifying.

Box has been up for a day now tailscaling in to it, channels dvr running , ota working and now the box its future proofed.

I wound up putting Windows 10 on this. I have mostly distain for Linux as a workststion anymore. It full of free software that kind of works, but not really.

Windows 10 is performing beautifully on it.

I also went back to Windows 10 after playing around with Linux learned enough to run and Install stuff in Linux but adding shares is just too weird ... Especially shares from a NAS got tired of playing with CIF and other types of shares.

Linux server with webmin. Awesome for adding network shares. I to hate doing them manually, I always screw something up

Agree but it gets very tedious when you have to go the NAS to allow CIF with the IP Etc. when in windows all you do is define the path.